No 'In Memoriam?'

Did they have an "In Memoriam" segment that I missed or did they omit one from this year's telecast? I always look forward to these and am disappointed they seem to have discarded this.



I thought they did that too during the Golden Globes.




I was surprised they didn't do one but since the Golden Globes covers both TV and movies, they probably figured the Emmys and the Oscars could each do their own and remember those who worked primarily in television or film instead of covering everyone in one memoriam.

"Me? Never wanted kids. Don't have the time, don't have the uterus."



I was disappointed to see that there wasn't an In Memoriam also. There were a few tv personalities that passed away this year and I was hoping to see them honored here because I don't know if the Academy will recognize people that worked in tv but not motion pictures.
