MovieChat Forums > One Day (2011) Discussion > They couldn't have made it any worse.

They couldn't have made it any worse.

I wouldn't say I loved the book but I enjoyed that it had a bit more to it than your typical romantic novel and was a good read. My expectations were not huge for the film but I did expect it to be a reasonably watchable rom-com at the very least. But this film was completely devoid of any substance that the book had and in the end I found it unwatchable and gave up after about an hour of hoping it was going to get better.


I know exactly what you mean. I've just watched it, having finished reading the book a few weeks back. The book was no classic, but I enjoyed it quite a lot, and really got the sense of the relationship, the missed moments, the tension - and the love that was there between them.

As for the film - I felt nothing. I actually feel really let down. Unlike you, I stuck with it, but given that you skipped it, I can tell you that it didn't really improve. The closest it got to capturing some of the emotion of the book was when she died, and a couple of moments following that. But they were in no way equal to, or even coming close to, the feelings that the book brought out. The scenes in Edinburgh at the end gave me no reason to believe in the origins of their love affair, nor any reason to care.

So very disappointing.
