This was very classist

In comes upper-crust Jamie with "food revolution" to teach the hicks how to eat right. How classist!


One thing Jamie Oliver ain't is upper-crust!
I understand that his actions may smack of paternalism, but I've always regarded Jamie as sincere and well-intentioned.

If you can't be a good example -- then you'll just have to be a horrible warning.



Actually, if you listen to Jamie's accent, its actually closer to 'working' class in England.
I think you have a complex about 'class'.
If you don't see anything wrong with what is happening in the your schools, you should travel the world a little and see that what your feeding your kids (with no knives) is not normal.



Lol, nobody who drives about on an old scooter can be called upper crust!

If u can keep ur head when everyone around is losing theirs… then u dont fully grasp the situation!


How dare the educated attempt to educate the uneducated! It's classist for people who eat well to assume that just because the hicks don't eat well means they don't eat well!
Nobody but you ever said that whole town was all hicks. And nobody but you said Jamie Oliver was high class. You seem to judge people on their accents alone. Some British accent comes along and tries to teach something to a bunch of southern accents so it must be classist.

