MovieChat Forums > Food Revolution (2010) Discussion > Potato chips, potato chips, jelly beans

Potato chips, potato chips, jelly beans

That. Was. Disgusting. That parent should be ASHAMED that they would only pack potato chips and jelly beans as their child's lunch.

This is exactly what I was talking about in another post I made. As adults, WE should be making the decisions for children--not the other way around. I can assure you this is how the situation went: the child didn't like the healthy foods, begged mommy or daddy to start packing their lunches with "yummy" food, and mommy or daddy gave in. Rather than putting their foot down and insisting their child have healthy food as at least one meal, they gave into their child's demands. And if that's all the parent gave that child for lunch, you KNOW that kid isn't eating even slightly healthy at home either.

I mean, am I alone here in wanting to try Jamie's recipes? I'd much rather have his dishes than potato chips and jelly beans.


Jamie said it best - this IS child abuse. A child coming to school with chips and candy for lunch should warrant the same reaction as a child coming to school with bruises. And something tells me that child won't be getting a proper homecooked dinner either.



"They may as well pack a beer and pack of Camels in there too"

No kidding!!

Parent should teach that kid how to roll his first joint.

Peace \\//



Oh don't be silly--of course the parent didn't give her just potato chips and jelly beans. The parent gave her TWO bags of potato chips and jelly beans! Hahaha

And LOL @ the beer and pack of Camels. Give 'em a head start! ;)



jamie oliver wouldn't mind i bet if the beers were from a microbrew. i can hear him now-‘these have the freshest hops & the most amazing taste & they are brewed right here in your backyard. brilliant!’

I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, "... I drank what?"


Disgusting is an understatement and the sad thing is the chips were the "healthiest" item in the bag. If the parent would have given the child a bologna sandwich with mustard on whole wheat(or even white) bread, sun chips, and either juicy juice or money for flavoured milk that would have been much healthier than simply giving jelly beans. In my opinion, this was more of a protest than not knowing what to feed the child. The problem is the child is getting even more malnourished by this than the frozen, prepackaged meals. In other words this protest is hurting the child, not helping.


Just potato chip and jelly beans?LOL! Is a sandwich that hard to make? Might as well just send the kid to school with a bowl of salt and sugar.

Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.


Potato chips and jelly beans? Blech! Even with that junk that kid must be hungry by the time they get home! Apparently sandwiches are hard to make nowadays, lol.

Remember, remember, the Fifth of November...


1. they should be criminally charged for gross negligence, it's that simple. They are actually killing their kids. Shaming people is dumb since these people have no shame to begin with.
2. I agree with the others: how hard is it to make a sandwich? That is an even greater proof that these parents are bastards.


And you wonder why people call you guys "Food Nazis". Comparing junk foods to child abuse and giving cigarettes to kids?! And you wonder why there are libertarians like John Stossel?! By the way I am conservative but not libertarian. I do believe in government regulations and labor laws but where does it stop?! Look at how Europe is destroying itself w/ too much regulations(PIGS anyone). Yes I do believe in good health but sometimes the parent and not the "big brother" government should do it.


Europe is destroying itself? No.

Giving your kids bad food is akin to giving them cigarettes. Both shorten their lifespan and quality of life, what is the difference other than public perception?

|Statistics show that 100% of people bitten by a snake were close to it.|


Not necessary. Look at dark chocolate. Ever heard of moderation. As for cigarettes I never heard of any good side effects of cigarettes. As for Europe look not only at the PIGS but even other countries in europe(mostly socialists) in the EU zone is in bad shape. Deny it all you want but it is true.


There are many things that are okay in moderation but you're sidestepping the question... how is one thing that hurts your body okay but another thing that hurts your body is not okay, seems inconstant. Poor nutrition will shorten your lifespan and lead to health problems as surely as cigarettes. As for Europe, you're watching too much stupid television (and the socialist remark suggests Faux News) if you believe Europe is imploding, or however you put it.

|Statistics show that 100% of people bitten by a snake were close to it.|


The socialist comment doesn't mean Fox news-talk about sterotyping especially from a liberal. No I watch the mainstream news and there is all this bailout for all these EU countries. Now europeans are questioning the euro currency. Even the Cameron government(okay conservative by US standard) now have to fix the mess of a deficit left by the previous Labour party. Comprende.


Like the US didn't have a bailout.

|Statistics show that 100% of people bitten by a snake were close to it.|


Like socialist europe?! No. We may also have deficit problems but I don't think as bad as ,for example, Greece.


"but sometimes the parent and not the "big brother" government should do it."

The parent should 'always' do it. But government is already doing it in our public schools... unfortunately they have succumbed to intense lobbying by food companies that have convinced them that junk food is filet mignon.

|Statistics show that 100% of people bitten by a snake were close to it.|
