MovieChat Forums > Food Revolution (2010) Discussion > burying a deep fryer in the ground ??!

burying a deep fryer in the ground ??!

what the? then they give a few words for the recently departed fryer? r.i.p. fryer.

I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, "... I drank what?"


It's mostly a symbolic thing (though it also means they can't easily use it). I've seen the same thing done for people in rehab, for example -- taking an object related to your addiction and having a funeral for it.

Tho it is dark . . . know our flag . . . is still there.

ABC = Already Been Canceled.


a symbolic thing. oh i see. i liked it when jamie oliver went back to the house & he said. 'i uh. i buried the man's deep fryer. i wasn't sure how he would react.'

I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, "... I drank what?"


Yeah, that was funny! I would've liked to have seen the husband when he actually found out!

Tho it is dark . . . know our flag . . . is still there.

ABC = Already Been Canceled.


it's tough. tho, i'm sure they will remember the good days & the good fries.

I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, "... I drank what?"


Typical TV drek. Most people have no clue that you can actually deep fry healthily.


watching it fried my nerves.

I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, "... I drank what?"


I especially like deep fried twinkies, very healthy.

|Statistics show that 100% of people bitten by a snake were close to it.|



any updates about deep 'oils' fryer?

Golf clap? Golf clap.


well it looks like they dug up the deep fryer, since everyone in the family was fatter than ever, and the youngest kid had developed borderline diabetes, and it turns out instead of eating all the fresh food jamie left for meals, they had just been eating pizza and mcdonalds.

face it- some people are too stupid to live. those fat morons deserve a slow, painful death from amputations and blindness.


How blunt your statement sounds, but you only speak the truth, but is it really the fact they are stupid or the fact they don't give a sh.. or the fact they don't know any better?

What really surprises me is the people that actually find junk food more tastier than a freshly cooked meal, with fresh ingredients. Maybe its the fact you don't even have to chew junk food, it simply slides down your throat...



What really surprises me is the people that actually find junk food more tastier than a freshly cooked meal, with fresh ingredients. Maybe its the fact you don't even have to chew junk food, it simply slides down your throat...

IMO that stems from the HFCS that they add to all the processed food. We used to eat way too much fast food and HFCS and we started cutting it out. I had a fast food burger the other day (the first time in months) and it made me sick to my stomach. I tried fast food fries and I wanted to scrape the oil of the roof of my mouth.

it is like being a drug. Once you get clean it can be easy to fall back into the addiction but once you go clean your whole life changes


call it a drug if you want. but don't say the deep fryer is the dealer!

I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, "... I drank what?"


"call it a drug if you want. but don't say the deep fryer is the dealer!"

haha, nice.
But he does have a point though. Some foods apparently have a very similar effect to that of drugs.


i know. but don’t take it out on the fryer. one moment it was frying up some fries or maybe a tasty hush puppy. next thing it knew it was 5 feet below the ground. it's frying days gone for good. in a flash. scary!

I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, "... I drank what?"


Actually HFCS causes your body to produce more insulin than it needs which in turn make your body crave sweets a few hours after eating, so the drug analogy isn't far off.

|Statistics show that 100% of people bitten by a snake were close to it.|



dug up the deep fryer? let it r.i.p!!

I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, "... I drank what?"



and the youngest kid had developed borderline diabetes,
Huh?! You mean the little girl? Cus the teenage boy doesn't. They found out that he doesn't have diabetes YET! But he could if he doesn't lose the weight.


some people are too stupid to live. those fat morons deserve a slow, painful death from amputations and blindness

I couldn't have said it better. But I simply hope they don't live in my country and drag the whole health system down in the gutter. I don't like paying higher taxes because of moronic slobs.


deep fryer. you will not be forgotten!!

I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, "... I drank what?"
