MovieChat Forums > Food Revolution (2010) Discussion > You fat disgusting Americans make me sic...

You fat disgusting Americans make me sick

and I'm an American!



I thought I was the only one!



Im also no longer fat and disgusting. However I was on the way towards it a few years back. I was eating alot of fast food and frozen dinners. I gained alot of weight, and my wife went up to 200lbs and she's only 5". I was 5'6 and was 185, mostly fat. My wife ended up becoming diabetic. So we changed, and now in 2010 I am 161 (with a 31 inch waist) and my wife is 126. We cook our own food now and even stay in during the weekend minus going to the gym. Oh, and I cook good food, not rabbit food!

How many US ARMY soldiers can you fit into a Humvee?


Im also no longer fat and disgusting. However I was on the way towards it a few years back. I was eating alot of fast food and frozen dinners. I gained alot of weight, and my wife went up to 200lbs and she's only 5". I was 5'6 and was 185, mostly fat. My wife ended up becoming diabetic. So we changed, and now in 2010 I am 161 (with a 31 inch waist) and my wife is 126. We cook our own food now and even stay in during the weekend minus going to the gym. Oh, and I cook good food, not rabbit food!

And let me add as one of the people who ballooned up to 280 pounds and got down to 135-142. Took me 3 1/2 years. Had to move from my cushy existence which was depressing the HECK out of me. Stuck up neighbors who stressed me out. Paid HUGE rent just for an apartment and the name of a city. Moved to a bigger complex in a nicer city with a gym, spa and pool. Great neighbors who don't put on self-righteous airs. Got a new job, stopped working 60+ hours a week. Wont go past 35. Dropped a FAST 50 pounds right there! Started eating breakfast, lunch and dinner...every day. Had a fruit snack at bedtime. Still ate at McDonalds, but changed HOW many times I ate there ... and WHAT I ate there. It's a treat now.

Here's the thing: No Jenny Craig or NutraSystem (Sorry, processed food there!) No Weight Watchers or Lindora which are GREAT programs but not for me either. Just free overeaters anonymous meetings that was in my new neighborhood. Bottom line: find YOUR problem, change it your way. My pounds ... melted off.

Arrogance diminishes wisdom.


Sorry that your wife became diabetic. I am curious if her weight loss made it more manageable. I read that diabetes cannot be reversed. If you don't mind saying, what are your experiences?



Sorry for the late reply. As for my experiences both our parents are diabetic, but my dad and her parents got it in their 40s, and my mom just got it this year at 62. My wife got it at 23 which is really bad. Luckily at work she had a nutritionist that worked on a diet for her and me I just gave up most of the fast food and added more fruits and vegetables and took up running. Its easier for a guy to lose weight and my wife is naturally curvy anyway. Her diabetes is extremely more manageable now that she says her doctor has said her diabetes is nearly non-existant. Her weakness has been and always will be Coke so I have to keep an eye on her so she doesnt drink it every day. Other than that more salads, but I buy fresh vegetables rather than salad kits, dont know if its much better but its my preference.

Another aspect that helped us was my deployment in 2008. Im a reservist and was already being flagged due to my weight. However this was not so embarrassing as there were at least 10 soldiers in our unit that were overweight. This is a problem that is affecting the military more and more. During my deployment I lost alot of weight due to being active and my wife lost alot due to my not being there :). However my losing weight was not because of the food.

In fact I would like someone to address the food being served to our troops overseas. 90% of our meals were burgers, chicken strips, baked chicken,french fries, pizzas, hot dogs, etc. Yeah there was healthy options, but most dont want to eat rice and lettuce their whole deployment. Now high calorie food may be good for those who are active, but there are many clerks and other less active soldiers that dont have the opportunity to burn it off. I had one friend that went up 2 ACU sizes while we were there, but to be fair he had been stop lossed and was doing it as a big F-U to the Army.

Whew sorry to go off on a rant. Yeah its comfort food to those fighting overseas but once we get it everyday it gets less and less comfortable.

How many US ARMY soldiers can you fit into a Humvee?


My husband would have to agree with you. He lost 15lbs once during a two week underway period because he didn't want to eat the "fish pieces" and other mystery foods.


LOL, the worst food has to be at Fort McClellan. I had gas every night for 2 weeks.

How many US ARMY soldiers can you fit into a Humvee?



Then quit looking in the mirror.

"You people voted for Hubert Humphrey! And you killed Jesus!" - Raoul Duke


People who are ignorant and judgmental like the original poster make me sick. People who hate people who are fat make me sick. You don't know what other people have been through, or how hard they have tried to change. And you obviously don't know about how the food manufacturers put chemicals and things in to make people addicted to the junky food.

Just shut the F up and work on making yourself a better person, instead of sitting in judgment of fat people. You are obviously a disgusting person, no matter how thin you are.


And there's the eternal excuse: corporations make us it by getting us addicting with chemicals". Die no and rid society of your dumbness. If one person can get thinner, all the others can too.

Just shut the F up and work on making yourself a better person, instead of sitting in judgment of fat people. You are obviously a disgusting person, no matter how thin you are.

No, YOU shut the *beep* up and work on losing weight without accusing others for your sorry state. You are obviously an irresponsible person, no matter how thin or fat you are.


There are many things that can cause people to gain (or lose) weight besides what they eat or if/how much they exercise. Some medical conditions, medicaitons, heredity, hormones,age, menopause and many other factors affect weight. Not all overweight people are lazy and irresponsible. Not every thin person is ambitious and energetic. Not every fat person eats an unhealthy diet or overeats. Not every thin person lives on rabbit food. These are all myths perpetuated by a society that believes everyone should look alike and be exactly the same shape. Even if someone does have an eating problem or lacks the energy to exercise, it's not their fault. But unfortunatly our society will invariable jump to the conclusion that every person's weight problems are brought on themselves and they deserve to be the way they are. I think the Food Revolution is an excellent show and I agree that everyone needs to eat healthier for the sake of living a quality life but not because everyone needs to look like a supermodel. Also some people just hold on to unwanted weight even if they exercise three hours a day and eat healthy meals. Not everyone can be perfect no matter how hard they try.


America isn't the only place in the world that has this problem.Here in the United Kingdom it's just as bad.



"In the quiet words of the Virgin Mary, come again" ~Snatch




Balding Americans are just as bad.

I'm the guy who does his job. You must be the other guy.
