MovieChat Forums > Food Revolution (2010) Discussion > Why was it not on tonight?

Why was it not on tonight?

It was scheduled for tonight and they showed Dancing WTS?

What we have here is failure to communicate!


You answered your own question.

“Why is it always the world? Why is it never half just a block? Or Jersey? You know, something we could live without?”


Has it been canceled?

What we have here is failure to communicate!


No its scheduled to air next week.


Nope still stupid DWTS.

I'm the guy who does his job. You must be the other guy.


What the hell? Why do they keep doing that?

What we have here is failure to communicate!


Just saw an article. Apparently this new season had really poor ratings for the first two episodes. ABC is planning on airing the show on Fridays in the summer, beginning on May 27. So, we will see the remaining episodes, just not for a while.


Thank you for your reply!

What we have here is failure to communicate!


Screw ABC they suck, one of the worst networks on TV. And remaining 4? Didnt last season have like 12 eps? Are we not even going to get a resolution?


Did you not even read what I wrote? We will be getting the remaining episodes at the beginning of the summer. And last season, also, had 6 episodes. What do you want ABC to do? They gave it a shot in a prime spot, and people didn't watch it. I don't like it either, but don't act like ABC is making the wrong move. They are a business.


He did and people are allowed to say how they feel about the crap corporation that is ABC. Jamie should have shopped the show on food network or E! since Ryan Seacrest produces the show.

I'm the guy who does his job. You must be the other guy.


Jamie should have shopped the show on food network
Too bad Food Network is a crooked network whose programming is determined by its sponsors... You think Jamie Oliver had a hard time with ABC? It would have been 100x worse with Food Network, and he never would have been allowed to say one negative thing against big agriculture or any food industry.
