Stupid ABC!

It's a darn shame that ABC pulled Jamie Oliver's show. I'd watched two episodes of it and it's starting to get interesting! More interesting than "The Biggest Loser," "NCIS," and "Glee!" It was also more educational too! I guess some adults (mostly parents) don't care about what their children are eating these days that they are letting their children be obese, have life-threating diseases, and die due to poor eating habits. WAKE UP PEOPLE! OBESITY AND DEATH IS NOT A JOKE! Jamie Oliver started the food revolution not to gain celebrity in the United States, but to help improve the school lunch programs in America's school. I have a higher respect for Jamie Oliver and everyone should feel the same. ABC, on the other hand, did not give Jamie Oliver the respect he deserved by pulling his show due to low ratings. I was looking forward to seeing the next episode! I really don't know if ABC would let us see the last episodes of Food Revolution or not, but only time will tell. ABC should have put "Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution" on another night when it is not competitive like Friday night (when it was shown during season 1) or Sunday night. Sunday nights could be better for Jamie Oliver's show to build an audience. If I had a chance to meet Jamie Oliver in person I would tell him "You are doing an excellent job improving our school lunches by making them healthy in America's schools and do not give up hope, you have a voice, and God gave you the gift of cooking healthier meals and the power to speak your voice to the world about healthy eating! Ignore the negativity that is out there because it's going to tear you down and spit you out that it would be harder for you to move on. Just pray to the Lord to help you continue your journey in putting fresh, healthy school lunches in America's schools so kids will be happy and healthy. No parent doesn't want to see their children die before their parents. It is our job as adults to protect the futures of our children by teaching them what is right and wrong since children are our future! I'd wished you the best of luck on your journey, and God bless you every step of the way." I'd notice that the Los Angeles Unified School District wouldn't let Jamie in their schools because they are keeping "secrets" about their school lunches to prevent Jamie Oliver from knowing and they are letting children being unhealthy and obese as well. Stupid LAUSD for not giving Jamie Oliver a chance to put healthy foods in their schools, and stupid ABC for pulling "Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution" for poor ratings. STUPID! STUPID!! STUPID!!!


From another thread:

"ABC is planning on airing the show on Fridays in the summer, beginning on May 27. So, we will see the remaining episodes, just not for a while."


I never saw one single commercial advertising the new season. The only reason I found out the season was going to start was that I was scrolling through the dvr tv guide. If I didn't do that I would have never known there was even a second season to begin with. I guess poor promotion played a part in the bad ratings.


I had the exact same experience, JimmyJack. Poor planning on ABC's part and they're shooting themselves in the foot because of it.


ABC is owned by Disney and Disney is a bunch of elite who don't care about healthy food and teaching kids how to eat right.

I'm the guy who does his job. You must be the other guy.


LOL are you guys serious? Its ABC's fault that they pulled a show which had AWFUL ratings? You realize the TV business is a business right? Why would ABC put something on the air in a prime slot that is losing them money? Hard to complain at ABC anyway because at least they are airing the remaining 4 shows on Friday nights. They didn't have to do that.


It's not exactly losing them money. A show like this takes next to nothing to make compared to shows that use CGI and have a massive casting bill. 7/8 million the ratings were in the first season. If the show is down by 40% that's still over 3/4 million viewers; 3/4 million viewers for a documentary is still great.

Apparently ABC are showing reruns of dancing with the stars. What do you think the production budget on that is. One 'star' will cost them double what it costs to make food revolution. So even if they are getting double the ratings they are spending a lot more money in the process to do so. If they pumped a bit more money into the promo of food revolution then it might have been a different story.

America doesn't want America to know. ;)


According to my DVR, it's set to record a new episode tomorrow. I guess we'll see?
