Jamie's real motivation

Its incredibly disappointing that it is almost impossible to have a conversation about better nutrition in America. This board is a good example of why that is. People are so quick to dismiss Jaime that they don't even bother to learn what his real motivation is. One thread calls him a hypocrite because he has the audacity to serve tiramisu in his restaurants. As if Jaimie's motivation is to ban all deserts in this country or as if he is saying a proper diet can't include any type of desert ever. People should at least be honest about Jamie's real motivations and intentions not just make them up so they can dismiss him. Here is the mission statement from his website

The Jamie Oliver Foundation is a registered charity whose mission is to empower, educate and engage as many people as possible to love and enjoy good food. This means learning how to cook, understanding where food comes from, and recognizing the power it can have on our health, happiness, and even finances. We do this through teaching, training and employment, and also by making good clear information available to as many people as possible.

http://www.jamieoliver.com/foundation/ The website also outlines how he is going about his work none of which includes banning food from being sold but rather giving people information so they can make better choices. At the end of the day people can dismiss Jaimie if they chose to but I don't think its to much to ask that people take the time to see what he is really doing before they do so. If people are taking the time to come on here and make posts then they can also take the time to learn about his real motivations before making an opinion on whether or not they agree with him. I don't think I will ever understand people that don't bother listening to others and instead just ascribe them a motivation. They then spend time attacking them based on the false motivation they put on that person and it leaves me wondering why not just stick to the what the person is actually saying/doing. If you don't like what Jamie is doing then his actions should be enough material to attack it doesn't seem necessary to make things up.


So true. The man is no health nut, and he never claimed that he was. He just wants to see people eating REAL food. Is that so unreasonable?

Un día después de la tormenta, cuando menos piensas, sale el sol...


I will never understand the hate for this guy. You can even see him on the show eating fries and he didn't hesitate to drink that milk shake. The only thing he preaches is try to eat good ingredients and you'll be healthier overall. He isn't talking about dieting, and though he isn't fat he is far away from being a model of physical fitness. He just wants to promote a healthier lifestyle overall.


And don't forget that he seems to genuinely love children. Most of his motivation to do these school food shows is that he cares about kids, and want to save them from ruining their lives through miscare and obesity.

I hope you have also watched the series where he goes to Italy, where they have a quite different view on food.



Weird indeed. I don't even get a hint of those vibes. He just seems genuinely nice, but with a very unusual amount of energy and will power.

Make love, not war! I've had enough of all the hate on these boards.


Exactly. He never intended to wipe out all junk-food in the world (he never said that), but rather to eat that kind of stuff occasionally as a treat (he did repeat that over and over).

As for the resistance, obviously Ramon Cortines is getting kick-backs from the junk-food suppliers. Someone should start an inquiry into his financials. That’ll keep him busy enough to stay out of Jamie’s hair (and probably end up getting him kicked off the board for corruption/accepting a bribe).

