MovieChat Forums > Food Revolution (2010) Discussion > the lunch ladies in the first episode ar...

the lunch ladies in the first episode are complete morons

Typical government workers, unable to think for themselves. Jamie tried to show them how to make healthy, inexpensive food, but those lazy women didn't want to do anything but microwave chicken nuggets and serve reheated pizza for breakfast.

No wonder our country is so fat and filled with children who have diabetes.

I bet those women couldn't even identify a tomato vs a potato if their lives depended on it.

I dont see this series going on for more than a few episodes, because the kind of ignorance shown in the first episode is the same thing he will encounter in the rest of the public school system.

Meanwhile, anyone who can afford private schools in the US will see healthy food being served, without morbidly obese 8 year old children.

This country is finished. Stick a fork in it, it's done. Not that any of those lunch ladies would even bother to check if the food was "done" anyway.



They are just close minded .

The funny thing is they blamed Jamie for making their town look bad but they didn't do anything to improve their image he couldn't make them look any worse then they made themselves look.They need Gordon Ramsay to come over and give them a few f words to wake them up!


gordon ramsay is a way great idea. tho, he might explode!

I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, "... I drank what?"


They are underpaid. The school does not pay them to cook, they pay them to re-heat. If you got paid $8 an hour I doubt youd be very enthusiastic about having to quadruple your workload.


You could tell Alice hasn't read too many books or had very much education. She kept misusing "good" and it was driving me nuts. "Our system works GOOD." OMG, woman. Get an education. And she was SO offended to be called a lunch lady. Well, Alice, you're not fit for much else. And you're not fit to be feeding our kids, either; that's for sure.

None of these people have heard of whole foods, I guess. (And I'm not talking about the store with that name.) It really makes me sad. I felt like crying after watching this.

So many people with their heads up their asses. They have no concept of what all this garbage is doing to kids or to themselves.


You think oliver is any smarter? did you even watch the show? He said he wasn't good at Academics. Oliver is an idiot, and no smarter then those lunch ladies.


Yeah I know Oliver is smart and smarter than most people here, look at his account balance, he's done well in life.
What he was referring to was the fact that he is dyslexic.



Thats why you see mentally handicapped people running Wall Street, actually I take that back, I momentarily forgot the economic state of the US.



Mate I totally agree with you here, look at your prodigal daughter Paris Hilton...
Oliver did not inherit anything... with a bloke who has dyslexia, he's done well for himself, you must admit that, his 'empire' is self made and good on him.


Obviously your stupidity is showing. No one makes money through inheritance. Money is made by earning it. But please, keep posting so you can keep proving just how intellectually bankrupt you really are.




Oliver is an idiot

Jeez, I should be such an idiot.


As a teacher, I'm embarrassed to have lunch lady friends.....that Alice did nothing but make herself, her school, her district, and her town look like a tool.
She gets orders from above, which is respectable, but the ladies at my school don't agree with the food they have to serve. They won't be getting so defensive as if THEY chose the menu.

Cursing is a crutch for the communicationally-challenged.


Yeah, and Alice seems to be ok with the kids running the show. She said: "if they like it, they like it, and if they don't, they don't." Of course they are going to choose pizza if it is available, but if it wasn't available, the kids would have to eat the chicken, get used to it, and probably would enjoy it.


DeniseMG, isn't that the growing problem with the world and kids these days, anyway? The path of least resistance = just give them what they want. Why fight over a kid who won't eat his veggies? Just give him pizza. Why fight a kid who wants to watch a movie instead of going to bed? Just let 'em stay up. Etc. :)

Although I personally can't stand him, I actually think Ramsey would have made a better impression in this show than Jamie... he's just too "nice" IMO to take on this kind of close-minded ignorance. I bet Gordon would've taken on that radio DJ at his own game!


Amen. They even got on Jamies' case when they read in the news that he apparently called them "stupid and ignorant blahblahblha." >_> They believe everything they read in the papers? What sheep. They obviously don't use their brain at all there. I COOK THIS BECAUSE THEY TOLD ME TO DO IT. THE KIDS LIKE IT, THEY EAT IT. THE NEWSPAPER SAID IT, IT MUST BE TRUE. -vomits-


I know! That part made me laugh. I teach 8th grade and it reminded me of middle-schoolers...."you said this about me-hrmp."
Like they were so insecure and stupid to believe a newspaper is 100% accurate and people don't twist words.

If they wanted to paint their town in a positive light, FAIL.

Cursing is a crutch for the communicationally-challenged.


Wow. Some of the posters here are as closed minded and afraid of "outsiders" "changing" their "ways" as the lunch ladies!



I don't know how Jamie was able to keep a straight face when Alice said she was a cook and not a lunch lady. lol


They aren't paid to have original thoughts, they are paid to shovel sh*t onto a tray so the kids can stuff their faces with half of it and shove the other half into the trash. They actually aren't paid enough to do that. The way most of those people reacted to a positive change or idea was appalling, but totally familiar and actually understandable considering what they are given to work with. If you've went to school, had a 9-5 or just operated in society at all, you know these people. Being this way because these are your options are one thing, but being this way because you're conditioned or too lazy to do better is another.

That being said, if any of these people do have original ideas, they wouldn't be heard because the problems start way above them. Those school cooks have zero support. They should do a series on how misguided the public school system is in terms of education next. Anyone that went to a school where the football team was more important than preparing anyone for life and college will know what I mean. In a way, I guess it prepares you for a college where the football team is more important than preparing your for a job or career.

"Forget about personal, what about a relationship?" - Artie Fufkin, Polymer Records


It could have been worse. If she'd called herself a chef, I think Jamie would have lost it.



As much as I agree with most of the post, I do have to disagree about the private schools being healthier. I went to a private school up until middle school, and no doubt the food was awful and not healthy in the least. The school frequently ordered from a local pizza place that serves huge portions, and served 1 slice of pizza to all the little kids. Trust me, the pizza has about 700 calories. Not only that, but the food that was made in the kitchen was store bought crap similar to the public schools shown in this show. We also got a side of french fries which were apart of the meal, a.k.a. non-negotiable.

Save Our Earth!


And she was SO offended to be called a lunch lady. Well, Alice, you're not fit for much else

She fancies herself a cook, what she is though is a lazy cow. People under appreciate cooks. 12+ hour shifts, working at constant high speed and getting the job DONE (even if it means showing up early to prepare).

Also, do you want to know a shocker? The cooks that work their asses off in fine restaurants probably make significantly less money than these pathetic lunch ladies.

They are simply out of shape, stupid and lazy workers. I probly put more work into making dinner than they do feeding 450 kids. Not even the thought of making kids healthier is enough for Alice to even try.

That's how it works isn't it. One stubborn and ignorant person holds up an entire program with nothing but noble goals.

Oh and for the record, Jamie is a smart guy, if nothing else than for trying to make people healthy. Academics =/= intelligence. The woman that claimed french fries were a vegetable probably has a degree, isn't she a genius?
