
so is it just me or is the whole jackson family profiting over their dead brother ?

Hollywood remakes = same title of a old movie but turned into pg or pg 13 and made for tweens


Maybe, but why does everyone assume Michael would have a problem with them doing well for themselves. Did he do some interview that said when I die my family can no longer perform or profit from their own talent. If not them it would have been some greedy record label or movie house(sony) so why not his brother's it's their legacy too? They sweat just as much on stage as he did so it's their own talent getting them an audience. We all saw so much about Michael but what do you know about Jackie or Tito? Zilch! People forget a lot of thess Jackson projects were in the works before his death. Like the brothers had already planned the J5 reunion tour beforehand. So, I personally am not mad at them and think it will clear up some of the misconceptions surrounding recent jackson family events.

If a man has not discovered something he will die for, he isn't fit to live. Martin Luther King Jr.


What about the fact that the brothers wanted to get his KIDS on the show when everyone knows damn well Michael wanted them out of the public eye? You know, I know, they definitely know that they would get a *beep* load of viewers if Michael Jackson's children were on tv.


Yeah, they sure would. I would love to see them, personally, because I think they're adorable!


Right on they seem like great guys.


Yes. People will only tune in because of Michael - for a while. And they're going to benefit from that. But it seems the whole thing started way before Michael died. So if he didn't have a problem with it then, why should I now?

I don't have a problem with the show as a whole, but really it makes them look pretty bad. Not only regarding them profiting from their brother, but also because they look old and foolish. They don't sound good. Really who's going to buy their album without Michael on it? And regarding the show, they're just not that interesting.

“If they let Jack do it his way the show would be just 12” –


The fact that they started filming this BEFORE Michael's passing is why I strongly disagree. It would be very idiotic to not show this to the public just because Michael has passed. Before there was the King of Pop, there was the Jackson 5. They are legends and are more relevant now because they are the closest thing we have to MJ. Like the choreographer said to the brothers, "You all started this!" Me personally, I enjoyed the show because the media has screwed so much with that family so as a young man born in the late 80's, it's important and educational for me to see the family for myself. And so far, I see humans with issues just like the next. And I will be tuning in next week.


Exactly! Why does Michael get all of the credit for the success of this whole family. They were all together in the start. THEY started it too. So now since Mike died they should all just crawl into the abiss never to be seen again because any apearance is viewed as greed. I think not! I is clear from their upbringing and current lifstyle that they were and still are hustlers who will do what needs to be done. why knock their hustle. Some peope have some lame views.

In the first hour of the show before he died they were clearly doing it without Mike's name for show and felt they would have an audience. Saying any money they make without mike's approval is just silly. You forget they knew him better than we. ALL of this was being done while he was still alive and even their mother didn't disapprove of the show so why should we?

If a man has not discovered something he will die for, he isn't fit to live. Martin Luther King Jr.


Ok, I can agree with some of the things mentioned in thiss thread but here's something to ponder: since the late Jackson Reunion Concert in 2003 what have Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon and Randy been doing in show business worth mentioning? And without Michaels assistance or name dropping?

Yes as the Jackson 5 they all contributed something to their act, however, when they got older I can only recall failed marriages, family additions and various girlfriends, that is in between trying to arrange reunion tours.

I believe this show was really the creation of Joseph Jackson who continues to pimp the members of his family in the show business world.

'Life my a$$ motha flucka, this is a bidness.'


They started this show in January, prior to his death. They have a right to work. Their occupation is entertainer so that is what they will do. If they were plumbers and working right now, no one would say a word. It just so happens that entertainment puts you in the public eye.

They were actually doing things before his death but you could only find out about it in Black magazines or sites. With all the Michael-mania, everything they do is being reported on.

They are talented in their own right. I wish them well.


If they are entertainers, how come Michael is a legend throughout the world, yet I'm sure very few people can name any of Jermaine or Marlon or Tito or Jackie or Randy's CDs or singles. Whether they started the program before or after Michael's death, it's pretty apparent that they were just using his fame to get attention for themselves. I mean, how many people would really tune into them if Michael had never existed and the Jackson 5 was the rest of them?
