What was the 'W' word?

Someone in the movie said the "W" word was used a lot and the camera switched to a lady with a large white "W" on the front of her dress? Can someone please tell me what the "W" word was? Thank you.


Answered in the other thread;

I think the W word was "whore" in this context. But I'd have to see the scene again to be sure.


"I've always admired atheists; I think it takes a lot of faith." -Dr. Joel Fleischman


It's not a specific word. Corinne (Vera) says she uses a lot of W-words, 11 in the last 3 sentences. If you listen to the last 3 sentences, you hear "we, will, won't, wicked, we, withhold, we, we, worthy, was, we'll", 11 W-words. Then Corinne says "Look at her dress", and even that is the shape of a W.

I don't think W meant anything specific, it more shows that Corinne and Annika weren't taking the prayer group seriously. It's also showed when they juxtapose Corinne and Annika sitting with their legs folded and turned towards each other, when the rest are sitting feet on the floor, facing forward. Also, with Corinne's eyes open during the prayer.

This whole movie is about Corinne's struggle with her faith, and this scene shows that even though she thinks she's trying really hard, she's actually not that invested. She doesn't fit in with these ladies. She isn't even paying attention to what Debra is saying, she's counting how many times she uses a W-word.

Have you ever been bored by a speaker, and find yourself focusing on something they do rather than what they are saying? I know I have.

I wish I could feign stupidity as well as some people live it everyday. - Kevin Fox


I saw it to mean "woman". The pastor's wife was so caught up in womanhood and being a woman that she was even wearing it on her clothing like Wonder Woman (or Hester Prynne). That was the majority of people she really knew & understood in her life - all women.
