Scratch or Itch

Itch vs. Scratch. Placebo vs. Control. A good movie for the science illiterate. "Be sure you don't itch it." Good one, doc.


That line bothered me for 20 minutes. That is what you tell a child or what a child would say. That was just plain silly. If I didn't love Tricia so much, I would have smacked her through the screen. hehehee

Drunk, Fat, and Stupid is no way to go through life, son.


Whats wrong with placebo ?


In a drug trial, the "control" group gets a placebo (inert substance) instead of the drug being tested. The trials are blind, so the participants don't know if they are getting a placebo or the drug under test. And in case you didn't understand the reference to "itch", an itch is something you get, while scratch is something you DO in response to an itch. Telling someone not to itch is like telling them not to feel pain.

"Oh Benson, dear Benson, you are so mercifully free of the ravages of intelligence."


What I don't get is the comparison between itch and scratch & placebo and control.


It was a writing mistake. Another mistake was the bad guy at the end saying "old buildings with faulty wiring", ater he BLEW UP a floor. Any 1 week on the job firefighter or insurance investigator would know it was blown up.


Not everyone uses the same terminology that you do.
I can see where placebo vs. control might be a bit out of line, but itch vs. scratch no.

English has regional differences depending on where you are.
How about a sub? Or a hoagie? Maybe a grinder is more your taste?
Wash it down with a soda if you don't like pop or tonic.

Oh, and stop being such a child. You aren't clever.
