MovieChat Forums > The Real L Word (2010) Discussion > Are lesbians more needy than others?

Are lesbians more needy than others?

I assume it's hard to be an out front lesbian, on a tv show no less. I assume they edit this show to highlight what they want. But it seems every time I go past this channel the couples are in each others face 24/7, it seems they never spend a second apart. It's so much like this that most of the time they are together they fret over the times they are apart, talking about being apart for two weeks like it's two years. Very odd, very needy. I guess I don't believe it, I think it's the editing. Of course, they could all be acting out for the camera and none of it is real. Wouldn't be the first time.


It's editing and (bad) acting, with very few 'real' elements.


I've also noticed, in passing, that the language and education of these people seems very low class. Saying things like "I'll murder that bitch with an ax" and the like are very white trash. I notice they rarely show any of the people at work or with jobs. Is that because this show is their job?


romi and lauren both run successful businesses and obviously hunter valentine tours and are working on their new album they all work if they didnt they wouldnt be able to afford to be out drinking and stuff do you know how much a good drink is these days lol


My best friend and I each own our own businesses in multi media. We "go out" maybe once a month or once every two months for fun. Any other "going out" is for and with clients or potential clients. The rest of the time we are working on computers at night, after an eight hour day, and going to bed early and getting up early. But that's NY. I have friends in LA who seem to do fine without hardly working at all.


Yeah there is a group of people in LA that seem to not really work or do anything, but have a place to stay and dress nice and go out often. These tend to be people that get big paying jobs in the creative industry every now and then. Good at networking and such. I wish I were so lucky.


Well I'm not too sure about how successful they are...
I know Romi has her own jewelry collection, and that she once worked as a make-up artist and for this boutique clothing store as a 'seller,' Kelsey worked in retail- I think it was the 99 cent store once, but she was fired due to her dyslexia. When Sara first appeared on the series she worked as a hair stylist in San Francisco and in season two she was one in Los Angeles- guess it's safe to say that she still is. Rose is a financial banker or investor- not too sure- it was mentioned in season one. Whitney once mentioned that worked in special effects with her cousin- when she lived with her, but I'm not too sure now- she started casually hosting/promoting partying at night clubs after season one.
I think Amanda is sort of "on vacation" right now. She just moved to Los Angeles to be in the series.

You also can't really tell how often they actually go out just by watching.
Cori and Kacy lost their baby back in December and Dinah Shore was in April so what we've seen so far happened over the course of five month. Just clever editing tricks.
