Amanda and Lauren...

Amanda is pretty much a tiresome drag. I don't really know why Lauren puts up with her. She says she is her best friend, but she was a total bitch to Lauren when they went to NY. Amanda seems to be constantly accusing her of one thing or another. She can't be honest with her that she wants to visit her "old girlfriend", so she lies to her and tells her that she needs to go out and will be gone for an hour. Cut to 4 hours later and Lauren is stuck at a bar by herself, waiting for Amanda, who promised to be there ages ago. When they are back in LA, she tells Lauren that she did actually spend a bunch of time with her ex and that she thinks she wants to get back with her, and doesn't Lauren know this? Amanda hassles her that she needs to dust of her v-jayjay. Then when she hooks up with Kyomi, Amanda can't say anything nice to her about it. She wants her to accept whatever relationships she has, but can't do the same for her friend.

To each their own...opinion


Completely agree with you. Up until the last 2 episodes I was like God Lauren needs to realize nothings going to happen with Amanda. Cut to them driving to Dinah and Amanda saying Lauren needs to get some...she does.. and Amanda doesn't like it?? She calls it gross because she doesn't find Kyomi attracted?! So because you don't find someone attractive its gross when they sleep with someone else. She became really jealous even though she a) had a gf she just got back with and b) didn't want to be with Lauren in the first place. I really liked Amanda but after the last two episodes she really change my view on her.

We're in the eye of a sh_tacane ~Mr.Lahey


And she's supposed to be her best friend??

To each their own...opinion


I think Amanda is super cute now that shes in the position fighting for Lauren. I know the show is probably 99% scripted and all the situations are pre-determined but when Amanda looks like shes jealous for Lauren, I find her infinitely more attractive. I am hoping she wins Lauren back and they have HOT SECKS!


thats funny..i never liked either of them. they both are very shallow and self centered. so maybe they do deserve eachother. im jut over them. famewhores much? welll, at least whores.


ha, that's a funny post but very true nonetheless.

I agree with the earlier threads in that Amanda has looked especially poor in the last two episodes (I don't really think you can blame "the edit" either). What I don't get is why she is so quick to put down everything & everyone. She just has a very negative attitude in general and seems like the type of girl who has gotten attention her whole life (the pretty girl thing).

I think seeing Lauren as not being a jealous "big sister" really helped her show image. I agree though that these two are a strange addition to the show this season and are like the anti-Cori & Kacey. They are these two attractive, highly conceited femmes who go around tanning and getting Botox injections... it is kind of pitiful really.


'I am hoping she wins Lauren back '

Remember Amanda just got back with her NY gf so I just see her fighting for Lauren was jealousy. but that's just my opinion.

We're in the eye of a sh_tacane ~Mr.Lahey


Not a super huge fan of Amanda and how she can't go 5 words without saying 'like'. Oh and that she's an awful, awful friend. To Lauren at least.

"The only straight I am is straight up bitch."


Amanda looks like a troll doll with Chrones disease

