New Cast Members

I love the new cast members especially Lauren and Amanda (the two blondes). They are hot. I also like the band Hunter Valentine. I never heard of them before but I love their sound.


I like Lauren and Amanda, can't stand Hunter Valentine.

I wish they would bring back Vivienne from season 2. I liked her a lot... she was so pretty! Glad Claire is gone though.

It would have been awesome if Scarlett was a full-time cast member this season as well.


You know who else needs to be on this show? Ruby.
I'd like see her storyline... and she's hot.


I'm with you in terms of Scarlett, I was hoping we'd see more of her this season - she's my favourite. I am loving Lauren so far. I'm not crazy about Kiyomi but Vero seems cool so I don't hate Hunter Valentine completely.


The new Los Angeles based cast members are fine. All the New York based ones are boring as hell. The Hunter-whatever stuff should have never been added.


I like Kiyomi..totally have a crush on her. it will definitely be an interesting season. Nice to see Rose too. She cracks me up.

I have no idols. I admire work, dedication and competence. - Ayrton Senna


i love kiyomi and somer gets on my nerves. but yeah back to kiyomi, omg she is smokin hot


woah thats funny. i thought more people would think kiyomi i a total bitch. i dont really like her and its making me not like her band. i thought they were being crappy to somer. and theyre part of the show i could easily do without. theyre not even connected to the other girls.. well, tonight theyre going to meet and the preview was just too awkward with the topless drummer hitting on the blonde chicks? it's whatever. i went on youtube and checked out some of their interviews and i kind of liked them.. but i know the lead singer is just a jerk


well its not like we have to put up with it on a regular basis and kiyomi is just so hot lol. their music is so amazing i have been listening to it nonstop for 2 weeks


to each their own. im just saying if she didnt behave ugly then she would be way more attractive. and the bands music is mediocre..
i would much rather meet Laura. shes the most down to earth out of the band mates it seems.


And don't forget Vero. She just seems to have a natural beauty about her. Both on the outside and the inside. Kiyomi (sp) is going to get a major wake up call when she reads internet opinions of her behavior. It's a shame, because Hunter Valentine are one of the only queer bands I can stand (the others being "Post Post", and "Jonsi").


kiyomi is well aware of what people think, she is very active on twitter and deals with the bad and the good on there and laura runs their facebook page so they know what people think. you have to realize every good show has a villian on this one its kiyomi in ny and romi in la its how the show perceives her. every person on the planet has someone they just clash with and somer is kiyomi's person(at least when it comes to the band)


Hunter Valentine should have never agreed to be on this show in the first place. Ilene Chaiken has a repeated history of assassinating people's character (in more ways than one) when it comes to her lesbian productions. A lot of people are publicly expressing the fact that Kiyomi's behavior is, or has turned them off from giving the band a chance. This show isn't worth losing potential fans over. Especially since they're a great *beep* band to begin with.


What do you mean when you say Ilene Chaiken has a history of assassinating people's character?

Do you have any specific examples of this?


Look on these boards and you'll find the answer. People hate Romi. People hate Sara. People hated Sajdah. People hated Chanell (sp?). People hated Mikey. Everyone detested Rose, and that one chick who looked like Buffy with an asian fetish (Claire I think?). Many people think that Whitney is gross. Etc. Reality T.V writes characters for their casts, therefore changing the audience's perceptions of these cast members from that of their genuine personalities. Ilene Chaiken is no different.

As far as how she literally assassinates characters? Does the ill-timed death of Dana mean nothing to no one anymore? She killed Jenny too. The only real shame is that she didn't kill Bette's psychotic ass as well :)


Well to be fair she wouldn't have material to "assassinate" anyone with unless they, um, behaved that way. These chicks did it to themselves.

I don't hate any of these girls. I think a few of them are very ugly and meanspirited but I don't hate them. People just like to hate- especially lesbians. The cattiness of the lesbian community- particularly on the West Coast- is what Chaiken is portraying. She's doing a very good job of not completely glamorizing the bar scene.


Lauren is cute and all but I prefer Amanda over her.

Break my heart
for what breaks Yours


I was in love with Amanda until this last show. The other episodes it seemed Lauren was all about getting with Amanda who was clearly not interested. This last episode (Dinah shore) Amanda says will Lauren dust off the cob webs and get laid on the way to Dinah. Well she gets some and Amanda is so negative about it. Just because she didn't find Kiyomi attractive I see no reason to be a bi*ch and call Lauren and Kiyomi's hook up gross. She came off looking really jealous this episode. Especially with her saying her gf and her are back together, so why should you care if she hooked up with someone else??

We're in the eye of a sh_tacane ~Mr.Lahey


Amanda <3. Lauren is pretty buut she seems terribly annoying and whiny -.- Kiyomi needs to just go away, can't stand her at all.

Aim high, question everything, believe no one :)
-In search for a difference. A renewed truth.



I love Kiyummy!!! I also think Hunter Valentine is awesome!! I like all the new girls but Kiyummy is definitely my favorite!!

"You are rude, and mean, and sloppy, and frizzy - and I don't like you at all"


not a fan of hunter valentine or kiyomi, though she is starting to look better now that she doesn't look like such a selfish douchebag with lauren. lauren and amanda are too damn immature and fake.

he ran into my knife. he ran into my knife ten times.
