MovieChat Forums > The Real L Word (2010) Discussion > What the L word has taught me

What the L word has taught me

Part sarcasm, part observation.

-they all smoke
-they all sleep around and often with each other like it's totally normal
-they are horn dogs
-they are full of drama Omg so much drama
-they love beanies lol (isn't LA hot? I mean, we have snow where I live and you see people with open jackets and no hats or gloves in the dead of Winter)
-the femmes have pretty awesome fashion sense. But that could be an LA thing

I know that yes some heterosexual people share these traits as well, we're all human. But I think being with someone from the same gender just amplifies the drama and promiscuity especially since it's a smaller community (just observation and from talking to my gay friends) - but I also am not like that and so my friends aren't like this so I guess to me this isn't "normal" but it could very well be, I mean you do see douche bags and douche girls in clubs a lot.


Funny, as I rewatched this series I realized how exactly the same their relationships are compared to heterosexual couples. All different kinds of people and behavior.

How can you possibly say Rose and Natalie are the same as Nikki and Jill? Or compare Tracy and Stamie to Whitney and Sada. They're just human beings, and to categorize them, even sarcastically, is ridiculous.


This show would be pretty lame if they didn't have all that in their life
