This is England?

I watched "This is England" recently for the first time. Is it just me, or are there quite a few similarities between the films? I wonder if Neds rips off TIE or not...

It's not "sci-fi", it's SF!


They are similar in the sense that it's about a lonely kid who falls in with a gang of local kids. But whereas Shaw from TIE was frightened and horrified by the violence that eventually came into his gang, John from Neds embraces it, and revels in the violence until it defines him completely. TIE was more of a personal story or memoir - Neds felt much more like a political statement to me.

Both are great, but for different reasons. Ultimately, I related to This is England more, but that's no slight on Neds. Just my personal feeling.




TIE was more of a personal story or memoir - Neds felt much more like a political statement to me.

My thoughts exactly. I did like TIE more though. Neds was great but should have been cut to about 90 mins.


No. Neds reminded me of the film scum. John reminded me of carlin.
