MovieChat Forums > I Want Your Money (2010) Discussion > The actual statements in this film.

The actual statements in this film.

1. Statement:
Socialism is like giving the year average final grade to everyone in school, and then this practice will decrease everyone's grade on the long run until the point of mass failure.
In the regular school system failing does not mean you will be starving and homeless, failing in capitalism does mean that.
Stop calling a more just capitalist system immediately socialist.
The real rich are so rich then putting a cap on their riches will not harm them,
but it will make a tremendous difference to the millions of failures.
A more just example for a more just capitalist system would be like, all the good students would spend one or two hours a week to help bad students in their studies, and the students who are known to came from high status families and therefore they get an additional ten A-s each year for that reason only, would distribute these A-s between other students.
These are NOT the A-s that the high status students earned (lets say the maximum grades anyone can get in a school year is 30, currently these students get the 30 grades for their results plus ten straight A-s for their status). These are the additional ten A-s that they get because of status/inheritance/background, ie just for the sake of it. (ie being rich)
Neither in capitalism, nor in school it is always the failures fault that they fail, a more just system must prevent failures instead of catering for them OR letting them rot...
Nobody wants the head of the good students. People wants the head of the students who get those extra ten A-s, for their status only.

2. Statement:
Socialism is bad, because if people are allowed to vote to get the money they want, then they will vote all the money to individually themselves and the money will run out.
Hold on for the moment, isn't this is what Wall street doing right now?
This is exactly why we need regulations, so people will not be able to vote the money for themselves!
These creeps say do not regulate, because it limits freedom, but do not be socialist, because that comes with free for all...??? Stop mixing reasonings from different contexts in the same argument!

3. Statement:
The idea behind 'war on poverty' was to keep failures in a lazy and careless state.
Nobody wants to ensure the good life of the failures! (unless we'd have limitless resources)
People just want more to those who work like an ass but get almost nothing, because the ultra rich owns their asses!

4. Statement:
Reagen said the distant and small group of intellectuals in government should not tell the people what to do, and therefore deregulation is good.
A vile and disgusting diversification from the distant and small group of ultra rich who causes the real problem and who ARE THE ONLY ONES who benefit from deregulation.

5. Statement:
Entrepreneurship and "going into business" boomed, because Reagen cut taxes.
The highest tax grades had nothing to do with new and small/medium businesses in the first place. The tax cuts gave REAL growth to the ultra rich only, and the ultra rich investors lent this fresh surplus money to the new small businesses in exchange of outrageous shares/ownership and interest.
This sounds like as growth was created, but in reality the ownership over the country by the mega rich had become completely cemented.
Even then, tax cuts can be good, as long as cutting taxes is not posed (like they do in this film) as the same thing as deregulation (bad). Regulation is not the same as high taxes. Regulation is putting an end of Wall Street's rampant economic terrorism.

6. Statement:
These tax cuts created 17 million jobs.
These tax cuts created 17 million low-wage slaves, ruled by the mega rich.

7. Statement:
The plumber who gets another truck and expands his business should not pay more tax, because that would prohibit his American Dream from realization.
If he is forced to expand, because he couldn't get by, that means he was not paid properly for his work in the first place, the plumbers would need to represent their interest somehow to get higher payments. The real question is why couldn't he get by comfortably for his hard work in the first place? Because the current capitalist system favors ONLY the people who are rich already OR who are willing to sacrifice their life for a very long incubation period of maddeningly hard work of expansion, in the dubious hope that they can one day exploit others the same way as they were exploited at the beginning. Not everyone is willing to do that just for the sake of getting by in a respectable level. It is in fact insulting to expect this crazed money hungry and money centralized mentality from people (and this is most people), just for the sake of getting by on a respectable level.
If he was getting by all right, but he is greedy and he wants to expand just for the sake of it, then he should pay the price of his greediness in the form of higher taxes.

8. Statement:
Reagen was easy to understand, the more he talked people realized how right he was. Obama's talks are convoluted to obfuscate the truth from the people.
Reagen's talks were easy to understand, because they were designed to a vast number of mostly poor and lower middle class voters and not because it was the truth.

9. Statement:
The prosperity of the American People comes from their own hard work and ingenuity and not from central plans.
When they say the "American People" they are talking about only themselves and ONLY themselves. The CEO-s, bankers and politicians who are in their pockets.

10. Statement:
Its a fatal mistake that a government could make decisions for millions of people.
So why do we have government at all? Ah, then there wouldn't be no one, who'd keep the masses at bay when they came for our heads. So restraining the people is OK to have a government, holding us back when we exploit the masses it is not OK to have a government. (?)

11. Statements:
A large number, if not all government funded plans are failures and money burners on the long run, because that is nature of these plans.
It is not the fault of the plan, when corruption wrecks it. It is the fault of the people who wreck it. The exact same type of people wreck it who are sitting in Wall Street and raking in millions, but not from government projects, just straight from the economy. The problem is not with capitalism and it is not with government plans, in both cases the problem is with *beep* people.
Do not bash government plans, and offer your equally exploitable system.
Do not argue against liberalism/socialism based on its exploitability, when your system is equally exploitable. Maybe the solution would be somewhere between the two systems? Oh but that is EXACTLY what none of the sides want, because then they couldn't rampantly exploit, and that would be bad, right?

12. Statement:
Government funded programs slave you in the form of taxation.
Free for all capitalism slaves you with legal money making scams. (Housing bubble anyone?)
BOTH systems are wrong again, the first one is only wrong because of poor execution, but the second one is intentionally wrong in the first place!

13. Statement:
Mighty government power is wrong, because it wants regulations and it wants to tax us!
We say "it wants to tax us" but what we meant is making you think that all regulations are bad, all regulations are like taxes.
The mighty government power were perfectly OK when they used its might and intervention to decimate the constitution's anti-trust laws creating a free for all capitalism!

14. Statement:
Government takes your money in taxes to put other people's kid in college, then you can't yours.
If you would have had as much money ever to put your kid in college, then the current tax did not make a difference in your situation.

15. Statement:
Socialism is a bad alternative, it has never worked. Its taking from the hard workers and giving it to the lazy.
Nobody wants that kind of socialism.
What people should strive for is a more just capitalism.
To take the excess from the ultra rich and realistically help the poor who has no opportunities at all.

16. Statement:
Government projects are like when somebody has something and the other doesn't, so we hire politicians to take it from them.
Ok, free for all capitalism is, we want to trick people into giving their money to us in the (for the vast majority) false hope that they'll make profit,
(casino or ponzi anyone?) and then we hire politicians to let us escalate this procedure by many levels and then to enforce the profits to us.
BOTH systems are wrong again, the first one is only wrong because of poor execution, but the second one is intentionally wrong in the first place!

17. Statement:
People are becoming dependent on government because of government programs.
There would be no need of government programs, if the free for all capitalists paid the workers properly in the first place.
With the current payment moral, many workers don't go to work at all, because it is simply not worth it.
So then they turn to the government programs for help. So then you rather want to take the program away,
essentially forcing them back to be low-wage slaves? Is this the solution?
The solution would be paying them well AND provide help only to those few who really are in need.

18. Statement:
When taxes are raised above a certain level you end up watching capital and rich people leave.
I can't believe he's just confirmed the answer to Statement 5, almost word by word.
"You never get a job from a poor person" FCK YOU, I DON'T WANT A PISS HUMILIATING JOB FROM A WEALTH-FREAK, OK?
I want proper payment! How can a government force the rich who are allowed to blackmail them to pay me properly? No they can't.

Ok, that's exactly the half of the movie, Ive got seriously tired of this, and I couldn't finish watching it, but I hope you got the picture.

"All you get from killing monkeys is a deep sense of shame." - Alec


I guess you have never been poor and hungry. I have been there, and guess what. NO JOB IS HUMILIATING WHEN YOU ARE THERE.

Your counters to the statements are wrong. In fact you took several and didn't even get them right.

Problem is that Democrats say taxing the rich as a blanket for Businesses and the wealthy individuals. Same with tax breaks. You want to give tax breaks to Businesses in hopes that they will do the right thing and use it to create jobs. But welcome to the world of freedom, they can just say screw it and move on.

I am sorry, but Obama has mentioned Redistribution of Wealth way too many times. And if you don't know what that means, lets break it down. Say you have a dollar, I have 10. Well according to that its not fair. So lets take $4.50 of mine and give it to you. Now each of us have $5.50 so that's fair. Now lets say you gave me the $4.50 to make us even (roles reversed). Lets say you worked your ass off to get that 10. And I just got my dollar just by doing nothing. So now you have to give me that $4.50 and I still did nothing. Yup very fair and very much another form of capitalism. That should piss you off greatly.

For me, I worked my butt off to get to where I am. The problem is, is that people are feeling like their entitled to everything when they are not. I earn what I make and what I get. You come off like you are entitled. I am sorry, but I do not like the idea of giving away results of my efforts to someone else.


What you are saying is you want permanently 10 free seats booked on the bus in exchange of your hard work of yourself doing the maintenance on the bus all the time. (or owning xy amount of shares via your some sort of really hard work etc.) And nobody else can use those seats, you have no friends to put there, those seats just have to be there empty forever because they are yours...
You know what, truth to be told I do not know your situation, you might as well be very right. I also do not care about the official taxation either. What pisses me off is letting people/families have more wealth that is five times more than the average wealth of a person. This is simply madness. It does not matter how much you or anyone else would want to work for piling/hoarding up more than 5x the average. It is simply pointless and completely counter productive for the human race as a whole.

"All you get from killing monkeys is a deep sense of shame." - Alec


What you are saying is you want permanently 10 free seats booked on the bus in exchange of your hard work of yourself doing the maintenance on the bus all the time. (or owning xy amount of shares via your some sort of really hard work etc.) And nobody else can use those seats, you have no friends to put there, those seats just have to be there empty forever because they are yours...

Nope, just that what I earn is mine. Not to be taken away and given to other people because someone says it should be that way. Call what I don't use being banked for the future. Cause who knows what may happen. When a storm comes, I want to have my umbrella to keep me from getting wet.

You know what, truth to be told I do not know your situation, you might as well be very right. I also do not care about the official taxation either. What pisses me off is letting people/families have more wealth that is five times more than the average wealth of a person. This is simply madness. It does not matter how much you or anyone else would want to work for piling/hoarding up more than 5x the average. It is simply pointless and completely counter productive for the human race as a whole.

I can understand what you are saying here quite well. Have to say that you have your belief here that is quite sound. I do put away a bit of what I make. But I do spend quite a bit on various hobbies of mine... Be it travel, reading, cars, etc. I have no interest in being super wealthy like the spoiled athletes and hollywood stars. I personally think their way over paid for what they do. Honestly I think the people who work the hardest are the ones you deserve the better pay.

Honestly, wanting to get something is what helps keep the human race productive. Its that hunger that people need to drive themselves. Kids from wealthy families usually end up as failures, which is from lack of having that drive. People just need to realize what they need and be happy with it, and not let that want overpower it. I know what I need to be happy, and it really isn't that much. But I won't hold it against them if they want to horde what they get.


Seriously,you pay taxes as a form of "fee" for the services you receive living in the country you do(roads and all that good stuff)..also the government from by and for the people so that does make you an indirect part of it..

You think keep borrowing money from other countries to e.g. pay for your wars(which me and my "poor" friends have to fight for you and pay with our blood rather than our money) then proceed to hand the tab of these wars down to your children instead of paying your share..

Pricks like you make me happy I moved away from the states right now.

"socialism" seems like more of a derogatory term thrown around by pundits rather than a real thing..
Is every other western country other than the US, Socialist countries because they have for example universal healthcare?

I am sorry but all this is sounding like its stuck on a loop..the same tired arguments over and over..the fear of something new...comparing the modern day to the late 1800's-1900's..really?
Coming from a military family I grew up with right wing oriented views,but now I do not know what to think..both sides sound like idiots..but on the whole economics topic the dems are the lesser of two evils..


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Are people still arguing over the issue of capitalism? Everything you have is because of capitalism.

Our planet gave us free air to breathe, free water to drink, free animals and plant life for food, free resources to create the wondrous world that we live in.

And we did created this world in less than 200 years, because of free market capitalism.

Think about it, for thousands (if not millions) of years we lived under an absolutist, central-planning government system and very little changed in our civilization.

In the 1500 and 1600's, wooden ships with cloth sails arrrived on the shores of the Americas, with very little change in its basic design in thousands of years.

In less than 200 years of American freedom, man built a glass, aluminum, steel ship and sent a man to the moon and brought him back safely. And because the US government is forcing a welfare-state, entitlement, socialistic government down our throats, we cannot acheive our true potential as human beings.


It's not capitalism. Look up Moore's law. Technical development is exponential at any given time by definition.

"Anyone who claims to be a feminist instead of a humanist is a tap dancing monkey."
