What Would Jesus Do ?

A lot of Repubs seem to think they are the party for Christians....Hmmm, let's see.... "Blessed are the poor..."....."A rich man has as much chance of getting into heaven as a camel passing through the eye of a needle" "Blessed are the peacemakers..." Osama Bin Ladin takes down the towers and Bush goes after Saddam Hussein who hated Bin Ladin and Bin Ladin hated everything about Saddam. Saddam loved fast cars, faster women and pretty palaces. Bin Ladin lives in caves and thinks himself the most devout Muslim ever. Saddam is gone and we spent zillions while Bush went after a man who once said bad things about Daddy Bush. Bin Ladin coould be dead now - I think he had some serious medical issues. If he made it to Heaven I'm sure the 72 Virgins are rolling their eyes and grumbling..." We got dolled up for this?!!!!!" and hopefully they yanked the trapdoor and he landed in Hell. We can always hope he flaming away for all time. What would Jesus do - remember Lazarus - I think Jesus would vote for health care. Poor ole Laz had been dead for four days.... He got the best health care evah.


Nowhere does Jesus promote socialism and government handouts to help the poor and needy. He supports private charity, and you can't have that without a good economy like the 3.8% unemployment that the Gingrich Congress and its tax cuts gave America and the 4.4% unemployment that Tom DeLay and his tax cuts gave us before Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats took control of Congress.

By the way, God says in 1 Samuel 8:1-20 of the Hebrew Scriptures that big government and taxes of 10% or more lead to tyranny and slavery. As Jesus Christ says in Matthew 4:4, man should live by the Word of God.




Raising taxes IS saying it's some one else's job. It's saying *we* should help the poor, and by *we* I mean the top 1% earners of the country, and now I can feel good about myself.




I get so sick of libs trying to make Christ a socialist, then bad-mouthing anyone who claims to be Christian.

Jesus did not have to talk about homosexuality. He is the Word made flesh and the Word says, in Leviticus 18:22 "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination." God also judged Sodom and Gomorrah. Can't get plainer than that!

No we shouldn't judge in that we shouldn't think ourselves better or less sinful than the next man, but that doesn't mean God won't pronounce judgment.

The miracle of fishes and loaves IS charity. But it's NOT GOVERNMENT "charity." Caesar didn't give them those fishes and loaves after taking their tax dollars or deciding that Luke needed to give MORE money to the fishes and loaves fund because he was a doctor. Or that Peter the fisherman should get a subsidy. He wants the people to be charitable to each other, not wait for the government to 'help.'

In those days you wouldn't have much concern regarding immigration. There were no handouts or sanctuary cities. Often societies were at war of some type. If you were the group that got taken over you were made into slaves or killed.


Leviticus 18:22 "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination." God also judged Sodom and Gomorrah. Can't get plainer than that!

Leviticus? really? LOL!... if you're going to reference leviticus, then do it in context and don't cherry pick. Mention all the other nonsense and sheer idiocy that is also considered an "abomination" in that silly book.

As for Sodom and Gomorrah-- It is just a myth, a story made up as a way to explain some ruins that had been there long before the bible was written.


Sodom and Gomorrah were judged for their citizens being rapists, not for being homosexuals.


Jesus Christ may not have mentioned homosexuality directly, but it is clearly stated in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 that homosexuals will not inherit God's kingdom. This is the same as if Jesus Christ had spoken it, because it is the Word of God.

I fear for all of those who do not take the words of God seriously.


are you on *beep* crack? "stepping aside and letting illegal immigrants run our country "

This is why i hate you *beep* christians. You just make *beep* up! Pull your head from your ass you piece of *beep*

*beep*! Here's a good one too: "jesus never supported Mac over PCs!"
really? no *beep* *beep* you dumb *beep*.



I don't know if it's sadder than me always forgetting imdb now censors *beep* *beep* *beep* and *beep*


Lol what?

Read the old testament. All the descendants of Jacob/Israel had slaves. Besides, what does any of this have to do with the economy?


Jesus wouldn't support redistribution of wealth because it is flat out STEALING. You should be able to do as you choose with the money you earn. If you want to give it to charity, I'm sure Jesus would respect that more than if you were forced to give to charity.

Jesus would also support self defense.




Yes Taxes are stealing. That makes every civilization since the Egyptians theve's. And last i checked Jesus wasnt a big fan of the greed.


Not every civilization, just the governments which rob the people.


Everyone is missing the whole problem.. we have no money because not enough is being put back into the economy (big business ---> to us little guys ---> back into the total economy). Large businesses are not paying their manpower as a whole enough to be stimulating to the economy. Instead they are hording the money to the few top executives and expanding their negative economic growth company to other areas creating jobs that can barely support one person, let alone a family (walmart being a prime example.. how do you think they keep their prices so low). This forces the competition to do the same to stay in business and before you know it EVERYONE is using every loophole/trick in the book to profit at the expense of anything, including morality and ethics. And everyone is wondering why we have no money???? Look at the billionaire business owner who pays his workers minimum wage to gain him money as fast as possible even though he makes RIDICULOUSLY more than anyone on the bottom end of the company would ever dream of making. So why do you think the GOVT wants to tax that end of the spectrum?? BECAUSE IT'S WHERE ALL THE *beep* MONEY IS! The govt tried to print money to give to the "less fortunate" to stimulate the economy.. but you have to fix the problem before the money would get used correctly for positive growth.. otherwise it will just get sucked right out by the same methods that are currently in play. PEOPLE ARE INHERENTLY GREEDY. This is a fact.. especially when it comes to money. It's all about money, EVERYTHING in this country is about money. You think healthcare providers care about your health? NO, but they sure care about your money. It's an extreme capitalist economy we are living in and if you hadn't learned in history class, anything extremist ends up badly. We're looking for ideal.. there is nothing wrong with ideal capitalism. Most Conservatives are playing off extreme capitalism (our system right now) as ideal capitalism, which is *beep* Don't talk to me about *beep* "govt controlling our lives and taking away our freedom" nonsense. It's like playing a game of football and saying we don't need a referee. You HAVE to regulate or there will be cheating. The game will still be played, but it will be a fair/ideal game with a ref. our economy as it is right now is proof that deregulating business does not work. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the govt is full of officials being paid off by big business to keep things the way they are. Like I said, money is power and big businesses have almost all the money. Do the math.


What would Jesus do? Not kill babies! xD Encourage people to GIVE of themselves, not have Obama take it and give it to people HE thinks deserves it.

What would Jesus do? Encourage responsibility, not reward inaction. He'd encourage hard work, not government handouts and imaged "rights" that involve the services of other people. He would encourage health workers to give of themselves, not have government micromanage them.

Jesus and the Democrats, well, they outright admit they want him to stay locked in the Church. So they clearly want nothing to do with him after Sunday morning.
Writing is my favorite hobby. Writing something that many can enjoy is my favorite dream.



In the poorly written addendum to the Hebrew scriptures, the Jesus character is made to say that people shouldn't get married. So if you're pathetic enough to base your life on this story then presumably you shouldn't be having sex, or children, at all.





If government followed the teachings of Jesus, the use of violence would not be permitted. Government would have to rely on donations instead of violence backed taxes.


hold on let me call the whambulance you cry baby. Listen you people are straight up retarded and seriously need to grow the *beep* up. Congress raises and lowers taxes not a president. We the people elect representatives to congress. If you dont like the taxes then write to your representative and tell them about it. Thats what really pisses me off about the retarded Tea Party, those morons seem to be under the notion that we dont elect representatives to congress because if you look at history the boston tea party was in protest of taxes on the colonies because the colonists did not have any representation hence "no taxation without representation" well you retards today have representation yet you still say "no taxation without representation". Also how many of you actually vote? There are alot of people that speak up about government this, government that, blah, blah, blah, but when it comes to voting the United States has one of the worst voter turn outs in the world. Quit complaining about how you are being opressed by the government, vote or shut the *beep* up. The biggest tax cuts in US history are still in effect and everyone is still complaining taxes are too high. Cry about it some more. You people wanna balance the budget and you want to lower taxes even more. Thats a just a failure at basic math. -10 + -1 = -11. Hmm, adding negative numbers makes the number go more negative not less!


You should blow the dust off your Bible and actually read it in context as opposed to cherry picking verses and pushing a social gospel.



"He'd encourage hard work, not handouts"

Yes Because we all know that Jesus Never gave out hand outs. When he raised Lazareth from the grave. He asked for a 1000 dollar advance. When he healing the Blind, Paralytics and the Lepers, Yes A $200 bucks upfront. When he Broke the Bread. He ask all the apostles for twenty bucks each. And when they had the sermon on the mount. Yes you had to pay $100 per head for that to. Because we all know Jesus never did anything or helped anybody for free. No, not at all. Well maybe if you cut his yard for 2 days. He might help. But i doubt it.
