Wondering how much of the material he stole ...

... from other comics. Just curious.


On the Robin Williams board you wrote:

Wondering how this was handled in the comedy clubs that he would attend. Colleagues refusing to perform in front of him out of fear of having their intellectual hard work and property ripped off and used in one of his performances. I have heard that the lights would flicker to warn comics of his presence in the audience. I have heard of other comics putting him in a chokehold until his agent wrote out a check right there and then. Anyone have other such stories?
Early in his career when some other comic would say he'd stolen material, he thought perhaps he'd subconsciously used something he'd heard. But he started to figure out what was going on when it was, "Hey! That was a story about my mother!" and the little rat was still trying to claim he stole it. But rather than fight about it, he got to the point where he'd make sure he'd stay away from earshot until he walked on so the stories would stop.

I think lesser, cheap comics were always making those claims about their betters. Robin was just nice enough to pay off in the early days. And if you think he had his agent with him every time he performed, that shows how gullible you are when it comes to stories like this.

If you'd taken this down, I wouldn't have exposed you for the cheap liar you are. Folks, if you want to go to the Robin Williams board you can see him try to walk back the story with
"I have heard ..."

Remember that part?
Not just once, but twice.

You will probably disagree. That's the nature of discussions -- they have two sides.


Wow. how about getting a life, stalker. I mean, how sad and pathetic your life must be.

You are what I would call, simply, internet trash.
