MovieChat Forums > Boy (2010) Discussion > anyone notice the kids reference?

anyone notice the kids reference?

at the start when they show the movie title boy in the 3 colours im pretty certain thats taken directly from kids im not saying its bad i love this movie its one of my favourites and reminds me of my childhood just thought it was interesting i also think i detected influences from a few other movies...

hey chardonay wanna see me dance like michael jackson?


he did those moves at the grammys!


I get what you're thinking but I'd have to disagree. Obviously it's fairly similar in color and like, but I think it'd be a stretch to say they took it from them. I'm not sure what you mean by "i also think i detected influences from a few other movies..."

Fantastic movie, way surpassed all my expectations!

~ My Voting History ~


If you are referring to the Larry Clarke cult film "Kids" in no way at all was it taken from there, this film has no similar reference at all to the lives of down town Manhattan teenagers.


I kind of felt the colors where more of a rasta thing (i know the movie has nothing to do with rasta)

But the three colors red green and yellow are rasta colors and they were playing pass the dutchie by musical youth. Idk i thought it related.


Look at the sign he's holding. What kid doesn't use as many colours as possible when creating a sign/art work? I know I did it when I was a kid - all my headings were multi coloured - can't really accuse it of being taken from another film when any child with access to more than one colour pen/pencil will do it. /

Unless it's just a Kiwi thing :) We all did it here.

Also, EVERYONE danced like Michael Jackson in the 80's ;)
