MovieChat Forums > Beautiful Creatures (2013) Discussion > People who read the books should be bann...

People who read the books should be banned from the movie...

Or at least very least band from giving opinions on IMDB.

At what point are book readers going to understand it is NOT possible to make a watchable movie that will follow the book exactly. Nor is it possible to create the same imagery that you create in YOUR minds eye when you read the book.

All you book reading haters can all take pride in the fact that you made sure no directors will touch the rest of these books with a ten foot pole,

Thanks., you should all be banned...



OK So I have read all best the newest book, and I have this on DVD. Though I do feel that this didn't hold up to the book, and or what I would have liked to have seen it was not the worst book turned movie I have seen.
I would love if they would continue the film versions, however I do also feel that it might be best if it was changed. Not only would they need to change the script they would need to change some of the cast. I truly believe is was both script and actor choices that killed the movie.
My main reason is Alma. I feel that if they would have stayed true to the Alma in the book this movie could have been bigger then Twilight. But you know what that could just be me.



Completely agree!


At what point are book readers going to understand it is NOT possible to make a watchable movie that will follow the book exactly.
Many just fail to understand that in adapting a 563 page book into a 2 hour movie, things just have to change. Logic tells us otherwise.🐭


The problem with the movie is that they tried to stuff 5 books and 3 short stories into one movie. They should have made a series of movies and it would have been an awesome series of movies and I wager most of us would have loved the movies.

Yes, I realize that it is hard to squeeze a book or series of books into one movie, but when 90% of the important people, and events are left out, it is just hard to get enthused about the movie.


Sometimes I get upset when a movie isn't like the book, but more because there were things I wanted to see not included. I still normal enjoy most movies based on books.

faith begins at the end of your comfort zone.
