Jump the shark moment

I've seen the first episode and it seems like a continuation of That 70s show for the first few minutes then it jumps the shark right away as soon as you hear a girl singing Alannis Morriset painfully trying to pass off being a 90s stereotype and from then on the entire episode is one big Sunny D commercial.


atlantis morrissette was v popular in the 90s bro


Maybe to snobby rich preppy girls in California but all the girls in my school were obsessed with TLC


Alanis was really popular in St. Croix County Wisconsin in the 90's. Jagged little Pill was the go to breakup album.
We lived in a farming community.


tlc AND atlantis morrissette where both popular growing up in a small college town.


Alanis (not atlantis) was very (not v) good, bro. This scene and the show are not.


am wondering who thought she was riot grrrl? She was 'angry' re a break up but no she was not part of that. Totally different. Morrisette came in after that was wearing off as a trend. Would have been better to have her fixated with L7....which had a breakthrough song in the early 1990's and dressing like then.


You are correct. She was a pop sensation, not a riot grrrl.


L7 were punk alt rock, not pop


and riot grrrl was not pop. so somebody being called a riot grrrl would be into punk.


Great usage of jump the shark


In 1995, Jagged Little Pill was unstoppable force colliding with an immovable object...

How old are you? Do you even remember the 90s?

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


I was in 5th grade and I promise nobody in the school yard was talking about Jagged Little Pill.
