

The End.

themovielife on SK2: "A prequel to a spin-off of a sequel to a remake..."


It was fairly good actually considering the production was rushed.
Not a whole lot of new information though. Any educated person already knows this stuff is going on in the world. It's sort of common knowledge nowadays.
I did find the Bilderberg Group part pretty interesting.

What was it that you didn't like about it?


As a whole - Everything...
Every topic has been covered. They do interviews with crazy people. Really crazy people. I was waiting for the 'Parody' warning to pop-up.
The above does not nearly cover the flaws. I actually gave this Documentary a 2/10 for the comedy factor.

themovielife on SK2: "A prequel to a spin-off of a sequel to a remake..."


Really crazy people, huh? I'd say that you're a bit of a crazy a$$hole, but after all, that's my opinion like your opinion of the documentary is your opinion because you don't like the people they interview. I'm sure you are also one of those morons who think that everything they "tell" you in the news is true.

"Every time there is a bang, the world's a wanker short." -Billy Connolly


No, not 'Really crazy' people. Just, 'Crazy' people. This documentary is utter tripe. As for you, HKmoviefan, you are just here for the argument.
"I just like to get into debates because well, it's fun to see how seriously people get here...".
End of conversation.

themovielife on SK2: "A prequel to a spin-off of a sequel to a remake..."


...Yet you responded. Just like you typed that bullsh!t rant before because you wanted to cause trouble. So if you want to play the high and mighty card where I'm supposed to believe that you had valid concerns, you're full of sh!t. Not to mention, you cared enough to look up my posting history. That tells me that I got you all riled up, because only people who are angry look up others posts as a form of "na-na-ne-boo-boo, I got you" sort of retaliation. It also tells me that you realize that I have a point, and you know it, so then you have to try to dig up some dirt on me. Nice try though, you only proved my point. My point still stands. I'm sure you'll be the stereotypical coward and not answer because you know that I am right.

"Every time there is a bang, the world's a wanker short." -Billy Connolly


Now now, we're not going to play the silent game, are we? You know I have you beat, yet you decide to scamper off like a coward because you can't handle the heat.

"Every time there is a bang, the world's a wanker short." -Billy Connolly


been working all week - nightshifts and that. Anyway, I didn't really read much of what you wrote and I cannot for the life of me remember anything from this documentary. So, yeah. Err, you win. You're a hero. Yay.

themovielife on SK2: "A prequel to a spin-off of a sequel to a remake..."


Thank you for admitting that you are wrong.

"Every time there is a bang, the world's a wanker short." -Billy Connolly


No Problem. It's still the worst documentary in history.

themovielife on SK2: "A prequel to a spin-off of a sequel to a remake..."



themovielife on SK2: "A prequel to a spin-off of a sequel to a remake..."


But, since you admitted that you were wrong, that means that your opinion on the quality of the documentary isn't worth sh!t in the end.

"Every time there is a bang, the world's a wanker short." -Billy Connolly


Wow, you really do not have anything, at all, else to do with your day.

themovielife on SK2: "A prequel to a spin-off of a sequel to a remake..."


Bud, it only takes up 1 minute of my day, yet you still respond. So now, who is the one who has no life? Or are you going to make up this whole "I haven't been paying attention because of night shifts" nonsense excuse again.

"Every time there is a bang, the world's a wanker short." -Billy Connolly


You sure are mad and butthurt.

Psst, a tip, trolls shouldn't be this desperate.


Yet, you responded to a comment I made directed towards someone else. That tells me that you secretly want in on the confrontation, and that you were compelled to respond to me. How am I a troll? I only defended Alex Jones on his movie board, nothing more. People like you get thrills off of posting comments on boards of movies and filmmakers you don't like. Yeah, I'd say that you are trying to initiate troll status.

"Every time there is a bang, the world's a wanker short." -Billy Connolly


Words words words words

If you like Alex Jones so much, why don't you marry him instead defending him on a online forum, and learn to spell.


I spelled nothing wrong, you're just trying to make up BS to troll on further. As for the Alex Jones comment, is that the best you can do? So, since I like someone's movies and share the same point of view, I should marry him??? How mature and original.

"Every time there is a bang, the world's a wanker short." -Billy Connolly


that hardly matters. you're still wrong, about everything you've ever believed, and HKmoviefan proved it. what, you don't like that only horse$hit comes out of your mouth? then fix it. feed yourself some reality.


I bet you believe the Matrix is true as well. Get a grip.

themovielife on SK2: "A prequel to a spin-off of a sequel to a remake..."


Worst Documentary ever? LOL.... Michael Moore take that distinction.



At least HKmoviefan isn't insulting anyone, just trying to debate. Pretty interesting documentary so far, but I'm only halfway through, and rating every movie I've seen on imdb isn't my biggest concern.
