An amazing waste of time.

Why is this still on TV? Can someone seriously answer this for me? "Sleeping with celebrities"? Really? I don't think I've ever seen an unfunnier show.


It's on HBO, it's almost impossible to kill a show once it's on HBO. But yes, it is probably the worst show I have ever seen, the only reason it's rated so high here on IMDB is because they got one-hundred people from the cast to rate it with a 10.


Im not from the cast and I rated it an 8. Btw, the show is not rated that high.

"Just so you know, the words just and cramps...they dont go together." ~ Ginger Snaps


The show is hit and miss. Some of skits are brilliant.....I do agree "Sleeping With Celebrities" is a waste of time though.


how's that tin foil hat?


I agree, this show is absolutely terrible, HBO just can't seem to find a good comedy, other than Entourage, and perhaps they should stop trying and just stick with what they are good at, dramas. Just to be a little cheesy, with this show if the options are "funny" or "die" they should stop failing at the former and succeed with the latter.

Life is a lot like surfing: Sometimes you get a perfect ride, and sometimes it tries to kill you.


Entourage is dreadful


This show has always been hit or miss.

I just got through watching “Just 3 Boyz'’... and as I sat there watching the “Horse Massage” bit and asking myself how could this sketch possibly be any more inane...until that guy said “I’ll try my mouth” (on their friend’s c**k) and I dunno...maybe it was just the offhand way he said it—it just destroyed me. LOL! I almost choked from laughing so hard,

Anyway, you have to admire the crazy new direction and randomness their stream of consciousness comedy often takes—it’s pretty imaginative I have to admit. So, sometimes they get a hit and sometimes they strike out I guess.

I’m glad the show is still on, but yes it does suck a lot too.

"Stick with me baby, and you'll be fartin' thru silk!"


This show is mostly miss. I don't waste my time watching it anymore.

"Join the army, see the world, meet interesting people - and kill 'em." - Woody Allen


what a *beep* show .... seriously now

el cubico | teh spanish lovar of wiminz and aminulz


Agreed, complete garbage. I thought I'd give it a second chance for season 2, after quitting it in season 1, but it still blows.


I got season 1 disc one from netflix today. I am honestly trying to give the show a shot, but ut really is terrible. Snake skit shows how horrible the show is by over killing something saying snake like 20 times is far from funny.


They're merely attempting to display the most extreme awkward of situations. Many shows are like this, like Portlandia and Curb Your Enthusiasm. So many more people complained about shows such as South Park then Family Guy for taking things to the extreme and now they are the most popular cartoons in the media. If you don't like it, don't watch it!


The Tim and Eric sketches have all been fantastic. I also liked the "Sticky Minds" short. It definitely hits and misses, but when it hit, kills me. I love this show and Tim and Eric's comedy style.


Tim and Eric have really grown on me. I don't find them particularly funny, but there's something very strange and fascinating about that brand and humor.

As for the rest of the series, I'm finding it much more miss than hit. I'm midway through Season One, and most sketches are a real chore, but I'm trying.

