Is there any sexual content?

Is there any sexual content?


an implied rape that isnt shown.
may i ask why you're inquiring?


Because I might be watching this with my younger brother, is there a problem with that? Is that inappropriate?


You're asking about sexual content when the torture and gory gun shoot wound scenes are very realistic. I'm confused at some peoples priorities.


what you consider as your priority is not the same for all ppl! its not like everythin revolves around you! so calm down kiddo and just answer the question!! i agree with that the violent scenes are more serious than some boobs or sex! but again earth is not revolving around me either! some kids must be slapped! jeeeez!


I know this is an older post, but have you learned what a discussion board is for? First off, he doesn't have to answer jack s--t. Just like I don't. In fact, his question is just as valid. So ease up with the Ad Hominem and take it down a notch, "kiddo".

That said, he raises a good point regarding morality. A few boobs and some sex is inappropriate, but blinding, bloody, gory violence is? Tell me more about these "priorities" you speak of.

Line up for your slap, I think yours is far more deserved than his.


Its funny how sexual material is still a taboo in the 21st century, whereas, mad violence, human torture and drug abuse are not considered dangerous.
you have no problem with your younger brother watching people being slain like animals but you fear a few boobs and normal human sexual instinct might have a "bad effect" on him?
You sir, should be ashamed.


He might be mature enough for such things, but sexual content can be awkward to watch with family, it could be as simple as that.
You sir, should be ashamed for being so aggressive about this.


erik was it my posts you were calling aggressive because i really don't see where you got that impression from


Some people call intelligent discussion "aggressive", as it threatens them with the act of thinking.


Violence isn't titillating. Creating strange feelings or confusing kids with sexuality that they're not ready to understand is not a good thing to do. Violence is something perhaps not for very young kids, but they are ready to understand it at a younger age than they would be sexuality.

Colonel Miles Quaritch is like some sort guy!


you didnt state a reason and i was curious, i dont see why you got so defensive although having heard your answer if your younger brother isnt mature enough to handle sexual content then i dont think he should be exposed to the violence and language in this film as sex and nudity are the only things not explicitly portrayed in this movie.


There is no sexual content, but you might want to ask him to close his eyes during the more violent scenes(there are quite a few)


why is watching sex in a movie awkward with family? its not real, and everyone in the world has seen nudity before.


Sex is not the same as "nudity", and it is awkward to watch with family because sex is supposed to be an intimate moment and society also relates sex with the loss of innocence.


thats silly. it is one thing entering another thing. a purely physical act of nature.


It is a physical act of nature, so what? Killing is an act of nature too, but that doesn't mean that human beings don't apply moral connotations to the act of killing. The way you think is what's silly. Human beings have assigned connotations and symbolisms to every aspect of our lives. Sex is related to the loss of innocense and it is a private matter, thus making it awkward to watch with your parents. That's how society works; that's how abstract thought works. It is one of those many things that separate us from the rest of the animals.


you compared sex to killing. cool.


If you had any kind of analytical ability you'd know that I never compared the implications of having sex with the implications of killing. I said human beings assign symbols and abstract connotations to every single aspect of our lives, whether it is as natural as taking a dump, killing, having sex or whatever. Maybe you are just a stupid teenager who doesn't understand what's abstract thought (which you most certainly are). Someday you'll understand kid.


I totally agree, and its weird that people have such a problem with people not wanting to watch sex in front of their family, its totally awkward. My question is who are these people that are so down with it. Its not just sex people get awkward about watching extreme torture scenes is kind of awkward as well


Nascimiento practises judo with his son in one scene. The scene has

A) a slightly homoerotic touch to it.

But it's just father and son wrestling a little - totally "innocent" for that matter. Or maybe it's just because his son is really cute and he's constantly moaning...

B) a wonderful approach on showing the relationship sports can help create between men.

I think between all the pretty realistic violence shown in this movie (REALISTIC so much that it hurts - thus it's NOT FOR CHILDREN!) this is the scene in which we learn something about the good nature of Nascimiento as he isn't afraid of body contact with his (adolescent) son as they fight in a very fair manner, practising holds and such, without hurting each other.

We shouldn't forget that a lack of body contact means torture for every human being and especially for a young one. In this place, violence is as common as everywhere else on our planet and it is shown how close it is related with tenderness as that it's all just a matter of how much force you apply and what goals you pursue with it.

All in all a wonderful film from a country whose inhabitants have to deal with problems we desperately try not to look at because we fear that if we did they would become real for us as well.

I truly hope it won't become real for all of us but at the moment we are going in the wrong direction. And we have been going into this direction for a very long time...I hope it's not too late. For our children there must be more than hope; there must be a way we can show them or our generation will be just another jar of worms.


Nascimiento practises ...

It is NasciMENTO and not nascimiento.


Actually, this has always been an issue with me.

I can't stand watching movies with sex/nudity around my family members, but I don't mind watching movies with violence around them. It's not really a morals issue either. I'm fine with it on my own, but it's awkward to watch sex/nudity around other people, especially when it's my family.

Hard to explain why though, lol.

my reviews of martial arts and horror films


A little bit of sexual content but don't worry about the extreme violence and drugs and corruption that reflect life for some Brazilians.


I know I'm two years late with this reply, but to others who might have the same question: this is not a movie that kids will 'get'. Half of it will just go over their heads.
You can watch Terminator with your kid/younger brother/whatever, but this movie is not just very violent (though slightly less than the first one), but is also very political and contains lots of social commentary. A young person who still doesn't understand what sex is will definitely be even more puzzled by the constant talk about corruption, politics, 'the system' etc.


well there are these ugly old dudes that make out with young girls on a boat in the middle of the movie which is truly disgusting .
