What annoyed me the most

You're doing a movie where they all speak English on the Balkan. But they all have an accent. That makes absolutely zero sense. Either do it with proper English or with subtitles.


what annoyed me is when they sign and talk at the same time. I see this in other movies, too. I don't think they know the point of sign language. If someone can't hear, don't talk. ANd if they can read lips, don't sign. Why do both?

I did sixty in five minutes once...


Now that you mention it... they DO always do that in movies. I guess it's just done for the viewer so they don't have to put subtitles underneath.


Just putting out there I speak something called makaton with my disabled and hard of hearing residents in my job, its like a simple version of sign language, and I automatically speak while I'm signing.

Don't forget people also have the capability of lip reading too.

**cArNiVaLs oF fAyGo**
