What Is This Crap?

I like the original Howling and most of the sequels, especially The Original Nightmare, but this one is the worst! It doesn't even belong in the series, it's just trivial teenie bopper dreck. It's not scary, the FX are weak, and the characters are retarded.
I truly believe this movie should vanish off the face of the earth!

Miss Halloween?


this is what we in grown up land call "a bad movie".

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


This will be in the bottom 250 soon I think.



You couldn't had said it any better than this, you're 100% right! :)


It was slightly better than I expected it to be. I thought it was going to be your typical glossy looking 2000s movie that tries too hard to be hip and edgy at all times, and it was at moments but I still think it's okay enough to not be a waste of time. It isn't anything I would want to watch over and over, though.

Death lives in the Vault of Horror!
