I won't say it sucked

but it was at best a missed opportunity on several levels. The werewolves looked good as a practical effect and I guess budget led to the need for CGI transformations, which in my opinion hurts any werewolf movie. I mean I feel the transformations are the fundamental of the pictures. Compared to the other Howling sequels, which range from unforgivabley awful to strangely creative, I really cannot say that this entry had no merits at all.

Would we judge it so harshly if it was just some werewolf movie not attached to the Howling legacy? Is that legacy really so great to begin with?


Good post, I too feel that the transformations create the atmosphere for a decent werewolf flick, of which there hasn't been since Howling 1, American Werewolf and Silver Bullet. It's amazing that the best transformation happened nearly thirty years ago. Having said that Dog Soldiers was a pretty decent effects laiden film.

In this films the werewolves looked OK - better than the CGI nonsense we seem to get these days. But the MTV style horror genre we seem to get vitiates any "practical effect" as you put it. I would have preferred a movie minus the teenage "twilight" element.


"In the Company of Wolves" (1984) had a transformation that was, at the time, truly stunning. It showed a wolf emerging from the man's distending mouth, and sloughing off the human exterior like an old skin. Today it would probably look technically better (provided a big enough budget), but at the time it was really impressive.


yes, even without the howling legacy attached to it, this movie is a complete and utter piece of crap. it could have been like ginger snaps, which is also another teen movie that dealt with werewolves, but instead it came out more like twilight. the whole movie was so terrible, i don't even know how anyone could even like it.

the howling imo is still one of the best werewolf movies out there, i think ginger snaps and dog soldiers comes the closest to capturing the quality of the original movie even if they weren't part of the series. it's just a shame that this movie missed its mark.


Its more like Scream meets Clannad with a Werewolf Twist.


The early installments are WAY better than this teenie bopper crap fest! At least the characters were interesting, not a bunch of UNDERWORLD clones.

Miss Halloween?


I happen to just have endured a rerun of it on cable. I think that all in all, it did in fact suck. This assessment is not impaired by "legacy" considerations (I couldn't care less about those).
