The Bicycle Thief

Just saw the trailer but it reminded me of the Bicycle Thief a lot. Just sayin'


I've just seen the film. The Bicycle Thief has been the one thing stuck in my mind all through the movie. A modern day Biycle Thief I would say. Which brings us to the conclusion that not much has been changed since those big fat world wars. Low life is all around in different shape and conditions.

Dick Laurent is dead.


I was just about to post this. The storyline with the father and son working together reminded me of "The Bicycle Thief". The style was different, but the situations were the same.



Absolutely. Me too. I love Bicycle Thieves


For the first two acts, yes, it's basically the same movie, but then the final one takes it in a whole other direction, and it ends as something entirely different.



I thought exactly the same thing :).


Funny thing: I watched A Better Life last night and I was going to come on here and compare the film to Bicycle Thieves/The Bicycle Thief, but I see a few people beat me to it. I definitely found shades/echoes of Bicycle Thieves in the film. Although, unlike Bicycle Thieves, the stolen truck is not the focus of the entire movie. It is just one part of the movie. So there are some significant differences between the films. But the parallels are readily apparent. I really thought highly of A Better Life. It's no Bicycle Thieves (which is one of my favorite films of all time), but it's damn good, one of the best films I've seen in a long time.

"You can dish it out, but you got so you can't take it no more." - Caesar Enrico Bandello
