MovieChat Forums > Under the Dome (2013) Discussion > How does this show get renewed....

How does this show get renewed....

.... must be because it's a summer show. I want to like it, I really do but it comes off as being made up as it goes along. I know it's a paycheck but aren't the actors concerned about doing irreparable damage to their careers? I wonder how a 3rd-grade production goes on while a quality show like 'Revolution' gets the ax.
(Ok domers.... let me have it.)


Dome gets more downloads at Amazon than any other series on that service.

reply It has a cult-like following...for sure. They do have a good cast and, I admit, like a train wreck... I tune in occasionally.


People who watch trash TV are too dumb to do free downloads.


Best comment ever lol


It's like Barney for pre-teens...people are using it to babysit their 10 year olds.

There is no mind...the body just has built-in delusions of grandeur.



No costs for writers or actors.
Everyone are probably unpaid interns.

Perhaps they got tons of old typewriters for a song, and monkeys from circuses that closed down.


I think you're probably very accurate on your comment.


They have some kind of overseas deal plus amazon. There are other reasons,just can't remember them but I do remember it's profitable for CBS

Grands...Glad to see you come and glad to see you go


Yeah Amazon basically owns this show, and even by itself it still gets decent viewership for a summer show.

If you don't want to be spoiled, you shouldn't be here in the first place.


How does crap like this get renewed, but the following gets cancelled? This better recieve thr same fate. If this gets a fourth season, i will be irate


Because The Following is even crappier than this.


Surely you must be kidding. The following isnt great or anything, but the first season alone is by far better than the entire series run of this garbage. May i have some of what your smoking?


I think you're smoking enough for the both of us.


Fine then, enjoy watching your make believe science fiction vomit. Since you love to defend under tge dome so much. Im sorry i made fun of your favorite show.


Since you love to defend under tge dome so much. Im sorry i made fun of your favorite show.

This is hardly my favorite show, and I don't love defending it. All I said is that The Following is a worse show than this, which it is. It seems to me that you're the one that is a little too defensive about The Following.


I've only seen a few scenes from both shows and they seem to suck equally to me so I turn them off.


That may be true, but no two shows really suck equally. At least the following has a recognizable movie star in it. Under the dome just has a bunch of actors no ones heard of. I take pity on packersfan for enjoying UTD more.


I take pity on you for liking The Following.

My above post was written without me seeing any second of The Following.

If someone can argue that Under The Dome was a better show than The Following then The Following must have sukked hairy ba//s as well..... Because Under The Dome stunk like a frat dudes shh/t after eating $25 worth of Taco Bell after doing 12 keg stands and 10 shots of jaeger bombs.

Have an enjoyable day.



The Dome vs. The Following is a bit like the special olympics of shows. Yes, probably one can award a medal, but it has little value outside that very special contest.


Good way of putting it. Despite knowing better, I continued to watch The Following, & will continue to watch UTD.


A whole town full of people I don't like (practically) I just want to know what happens, what is the dome? I'll watch
until I know.


in a nut shell... i keep watching because i want to actually know what the dome is. but everybody on the show is either hella irritating or just plain dumb.


what is the dome? I'll watch until I know.

The script writers don't know either


Admire the optimism of viewers expecting an real explanation from a Steven King fantasy/ supernatural story line, good luck with that one. More chance of getting a comprehensive explanation for lost.

Anyone who still has faith in humanity has never been to the imdb boards.


Some people seem to have strong feelings about this show. I always thought it was folly to argue taste.


Actually, I read something that said that Stephen King was upset with the "writers" of the show because they changed the story from his book. I wouldn't know since I haven't read it and most likely never will, but I would say that anyone who likes the idea of the show, but is sick of the bad acting and dragging storyline should just read the book. That's how they'll get you, by dragging out the mystery. If you want to know, read the book, since I'm sure it's written much better. I don't see how it could be any worse.

"The world is not a wish-granting factory" -The Fault in Our Stars


With the good ratings, Under The Dome was renewed again and again.

You might question the audience's intelligence. But no doubt the viewers love it!


As I've said before, I don't give a damn about the story not following that of the book. I read the book and I know the story. This was never meant to be 100% true to the story and Mr. King has said that himself. No one ruined his book. If you don't like the show, don't watch it. If the show is renewed, then it's profitable enough to keep it going. I will take anything, even remotely related to King, good or bad, just because I don't care. I can sit and watch meaningful and deep films 24/7 but from time to time I need to relax. I dislike so many series and films, but I don't find it productive to come on these boards and give my opinion about them. No one cares and it's simply a waste of everyone's time.

SGU was cancelled and it was a damn good show. Why hard-core sci-fi fans disliked it? Because it wasn't happy and relaxing. Go figure.


Hard core sci fi fan here and I was highly annoyed when 'Universe' was cancelled for any one of a number of reasons. UTD simply leaves one in jaw dropping amazement in its stupidity and poor execution.

"What is an Oprah?"-Teal'c.


Since the beginning of the 3rd season, that was its only quality - topping up the stupidity from the previous episode, which was done brilliantly... and of course I will always like Big Jim. I didn't mind watching show, I knew it wasn't going to win awards anytime soon and my expectations were low. Maybe that's why I found it relaxing to watch.
