MovieChat Forums > Under the Dome (2013) Discussion > Your favorite character?

Your favorite character?

My favorite character in the series is Big Jim. He has the guts to make decisions, take action and is not naive like many other characters. He did have dark episodes in the first season murdering people, but it got better over time.

In the past I also liked Barbie and Julia, but not anymore after what writers did for them in the 3rd season. They both turned out to be quite naive and their relationship got ruined. Junior is a psycho, Joe is just a kid, Norrie represents the always angry teenager. Not many characters to choose from.


My favorite character is Angie. I know she isn't there anymore but she is still my favorite. Also like Barbie. Even though he sucks in Season 3.


Julia and Big Jim. I still like Barbie but I'm very pissed at what they've done to him...I want him back with Julia not that alien bitch!


Agreed. And I wouldn't have ever thought I would like Big Jim..yet I actually feel sorry for him this season. Also like how Jim and Julia are bonding. It's weird yet it's sweet lol


I like where the writers are going with the characterization of Julia and Big Jim. They have to work together to convert the town back. Simple, but effective so far


Indy...all I care about is Indy!




Season 1 was Angie
Season 2 was Rebecca
Season 3 is Norrie

Everyone I like tends to die, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed this season.


Yes! BJ is the best. Loved it when he shot the TV.


The show would be nothing without Big Jim.


Big Jim. He's been getting the best lines, like when someone mentioned to him about the pink stars falling and he says, "Were not going back to that crap again are we?" That was a nice and not so subtle shot to the mess that last season was.


Julia and barbie
Big Jim Norrie and Joe, sam.


Big Jim!

I love BJ! I hated him so much in the first season but at some point, I started loving him. He is definitely my favorite character!


This season it's big jim. Starting to feel a little more like Hank from breaking bad, rather than an evil bastard.


The dog. Landslide.


It was Barbie until this season. So I'll go with Joe.

Its understandable Spike is strong and mysterious and sort of compact but well muscled


Angie... but she's gone!

Of all the things they chose to follow from the book, why that? She was the best.

