Trigger + Boycie

Really enjoyed watching Rock & Chips and hope it turns into a long runner, I think they did a great job with the casting of the characters who have fitted into their roles well, was a little skeptical of James Buckley in the very beginning but he's warmed into the character of Del surprising well, however anyone else feel the production team could have done better job either coaching the actors playing Trigger & Boycie or used different actors all together.

Young Boycie lacks any resemblance to the distinctive mannerisms and vocal tones of big Boycie, they could have at least showed us the famous laugh, stiff facial expression or an early sense of "richer then thou (del)" attitude in it's development.

Again with Trigger, the actor was, how can i put it, not lost enough in trigger's world. He also didn't resemble a young trigger apart from his height maybe! He also had pretty weak lines and not so funny punchlines written in for him.

Just feel they may have rushed these two characters by not paying enough attention to their roles, apart from that, a brilliant show!


Problem with Trigger is, the ideal person to play a younger version would have been Blake Harrison (Neil from Inbetweeners), but with James Buckley involvement, that would have basically taking two characters out of the inbetweeners and getting them to play the same roles in a different world!



These are boys in their mid teens. Boys have growth spurts at different times. Guy I went to school with when we were both 15 and was half a head shorter than me was taller than me by the time we were 18.


I actually liked what they did with Boycie....because I always got the impression that all of that front came on in later life. After all, his origins are as humble as the rest of them...the richer he became as an adult, the more the attitude came on.

I agree with Trigger though...I'm sure that the young chap playing him is a good actor, he just didn't seem comfortable in his skin.

~ I hardly looked at his face. His knees were what I wished to see. ~
