Dance Academy Movie

Apparently a DA movie is being made!!!


Wow! Their twitter page is abuzz with the movie announcement:

I feel like this is one of those shows that has become even more popular since it completed its original run.

I'm looking forward to it, but I'm not sure how well a movie will work. The show just wasn't the same without Sammy and it's not like they can bring the character back. It's kind of a Catch-22: Killing his character brought the show a lot publicity and attention because it was so shocking and unexpected for a children's show. But it also completely changed the show's dynamic...and the third season just wasn't as fun as the first 2.

But if they can distance themselves from the original story lines enough...they might be able to pull it off.


I'd love a movie from this show. I enjoyed watching this on Netflix.

"The end of the shoelace is called the...IT DOESN'T MATTER!"


Has anyone read any updates since the announcement last April on this?? I am so psyched for this to happen!
