This movie is TERRIBLE.

I saw this tonight with four friends. There were 7 people total in the theater.

This movie is TERRIBLE. Terrible to the point that it's funny, but still terrible. The dialogue seems like it was written by a ten year old. The action is pretty good, except for the final battle.

The comedy and "one liners" are just bad. It's nearly on the same level as Collateral Damage.

It will probably be a cult classic because of how bad it is (ala Punisher: War Zone). I think people are giving it a free pass because it's Arnold. Anyone else makes this movie, it would be getting skewered right now. I'm excited he's back on the big screen too, but I swear, sometimes people have blinders on.



Knight rider is a stupid idiot. This movie looks corny as hell and I'm a lifelong Arnold fan.


Express your opinion on a movie on IMDB and incur personal attacks.

Cool story, bro.



who don't you defend the movie instead of attack a random stranger, cool off bro


Really Im with you clint... "Jaleco" didn't even see the movie !!!! and hes defending it like someone said something bad about his mother..

I saw the movie with some friends and didn't I like it.. So much of it didn't make sense that I believe there is going to be a 100 things I learned from The Last Stand thread any time now.


Just watching it now, really bad, damn. Wish it hadn't been made for retard-audiences (can't think of another reason why it's like this)

Edit: No, I take that back; it just sucks, can't believe this is an Arnold movie.

99% of new films are garbage.


sorry it did not work out for you.


meh, yea, hopefully next time I see it it'll be better (but I doubt it)

99% of new films are garbage.


Yea the movie was rubbish but it was fun to watch in a sadistic sort of way, But i cannot figure out how when only about ten goy out of the trucks in the last shoot out the good guys seemed to kill about twenty.


I'm 31 and have loved Arnold for a long time. Terminator 2 is one of my all time favorites. My favorite films have both Arnold and Kurosawa movies.

Don't be upset because I didn't like one of your hero's movies.




From a guy named French Predator, that's rich. Now I know why the IMDB ilk is rarely trusted.



Yeah, that's it.


The movie was unpretentious, unadulterated fun. Sure, certain things were not realistic, but I don't care.

You are welcome dildo nose.


dialogue? Terrible? Did you expect Shakespeare from this movie?

one-liners are Traits in almost every movie Arnie is in. Or did that escape your brain too?

This movie never meant to be classic, nor does it try to be.

were you looking for movies with oscar-worthy performance or meaningful messages?



Nothing wrong with wanting sharp, witty dialog in an action movie. The one liners in movies like Predator were well deserved - the ones in this were lame and forced.

Make sense?


sharp, witty dialog? Since you make it sound so ---- easy, maybe you should write your own ---- dialogue. No. it makes little to no sense. You should've done some little bit of research on the movie you were going to watch knowing what you were going to get it out of. Yet, you watched. So what does that make you?

I am going to see this movie for the sole purpose of having 107 minutes of mindless fun and happy escapism. I expect nothing less. This movie is never meant to be classic and nor does it try to be.

so apparently you want to remember every movies you watched to have some kind of meaning. Again, wrong zip code and wrong address.


I try not to read about movies that sound interesting to me so that I don't incur spoilers. I didn't need "meaning" in it, I just wanted less moments where I was rolling my eyes. I'm all about fun escapism, just not retarded escapism.

...and I have written my own screenplays, and the dialog is much, much better than what was on screen here.


yet, your screnplay did not make it to finality... That pretty much says it all about your ability to write scenario.

you don't need meaning, you don't mind fun escapism, what's the complain?


Yes, my "screnplay" did not make it to finality. And I'm the one who can't write?

As I'm reading on these boards, I should like this movie because it's stupid and I should go in brainless to enjoy it. Okay, awesome. I'll take that into consideration next time I hit the cinema.



unlike you, people go to see a movie for 107 minutes of fun, come out forget about it, and move onto the next part of life. That's the way it is.


The definition of fun changes from person to person. What you just described would be a waste of time to others. This movie was really dumb, and poorly made (Except the action scenes). I disliked it.


pity it did not work out for you.


Everyone has different tastes.


good movie, op is an idiot


But I think this movie is acceptable and find it nice to spent the two hours in my life watching it. I really enjoy it.


You say... "sharp, witty dialog? Since you make it sound so ---- easy, maybe you should write your own ---- dialogue. No. it makes little to no sense. You should've done some little bit of research on the movie you were going to watch knowing what you were going to get it out of. Yet, you watched. So what does that make you?

I am going to see this movie for the sole purpose of having 107 minutes of mindless fun and happy escapism. I expect nothing less. This movie is never meant to be classic and nor does it try to be.

so apparently you want to remember every movies you watched to have some kind of meaning. Again, wrong zip code and wrong address."

You´re the Arnoldfan. He is not a fan or a hater. And when you write this,you haven´t even seen the film yet! Wow... So you must be borderline-retarded or something similiar to,as a fan,engage in a debate where you defend dialog you haven´t heard and acting you haven´t seen. Decent dialog from a new Robotfilm is an acceptable demand,despite 6th day and T3. The meaning from "every"film should be whatever form it comes.

Sinking so low as to tell the poster he should write a script himself,(a script like this? How much do you think man can achieve?)then you know your argument is lost and coming off stupid is a compliment. He wanted to get an entertaining actionfilm out of it,with decent dialog and one-liners that work. He says they didn´t,okay...just hang it up instead of making it sound as all dialog,good or bad works where appropriate.

You speak out of blind fanatism or obsession,defending actors and artists without even having seen the film,already stamped it"This is fun and don´t you dare say otherwise."

Make it sound like an actionfilm can´t have really awful,embarrassing dialog and awful acting and if it does,it should get away with it cause it´s Arnold? What´s he,we expect awful acting from him,otherwise the minismirk throughout the film is lost.It´s action with Whitaker and Stormare,not C-slasher material. I expect something decent,don´t wanna laugh where it´s so not supposed to be least not half a film. 6.8 is nostalgia,nothing else.

Tell Woo and Travolta that,about what to expect of action. Face/Off,a good example. The Rock. T2.Dredd.The hunted was way better and even more believable then this selfcentered,masturbating,ironic celebration of a flick to a 78-year old who barely can hold his rifle straight,forget about the face,we all melt down like Toy soldiers....Accent hasn´t improved but in all fairness,it´s only been 35 years and this is"Look at this sort of Reagan. A mediocre actor but as a politician governing California...? Well,this film is made to take your mind of the latter part."
Damn it,you´re simpleminded...or were. Maybe you had an epiphany and realize it´s all about taste.



There Will Be Blood?




lets see trust the failed writer guy who thinks the "stick around" one liner from predator wasnt forced, or pulitzer prize winner roger ebert? i will go with roger ebert. i love the guy who cant suspend disbelief for this film, but terminator no problem. bet transformers and iron man are totally true too.


@jaleco dialogue? Terrible? Did you expect Shakespeare from this movie?
Nobody expected Shakespeare. Put that strawman away.


All Arnie movies have corny one liners. Some of the children that have commented on this forum have probably only seen 1 or 2 Arnie movies. Tey are pretty well all like this. You go to an Arnie movie and you expect to see lots of explosions, gunfights, car chases, helicopter chases, you name it as far as action goes and that's what you get in a AS movie. Don't expect to go in and see a love story or beautiful dramatic dialogue because his movies are just like the other poster put it, "Pure unadulterated fun with lots of butt kicking action".


I wouldn't say it was terrible, but it definitely wasn't good. Probably Arnold's weakest action movie to date. Even The 6th Day and Collateral Damage were more entertaining than this.


Seriously? It was awful, and I've owned VHS versions of Arnold's previous movies and I'm still not impressed with this spank wank movie made specifically for the crowds of people that grew up in the 80's. True Lies, Predator and all of those classics were at least engaging and well written. This movie seems like a popcorn flick that only sold because Arnold's name is all over it. I don't give a crap if you call me a troll or insult my movie preferences, it was simply a bad movie and that's the opinion I'm sticking to. Deal with it fanboys.



It wasn't that bad.

I was told that I could listen to the radio at a reasonable volume.



Sorry, I thought I was on a discussion board for movies. I thought the point was to express opinions. Was I incorrect?


I was going to post the same thing, Jay-Klee. I love a lot of Arnie's old movies. I'll give this one a shot as well. If it sucks, it sucks. My ass isn't going to hurt like the rest of the clowns insulting you. Guys, get forever comfy - it an infomercial. All of you sound terribly butt-hurt.


I'm not sure, buddy. Punisher: War Zone was a BAD movie.

This one was actually pretty stylish and likable. The humour is somewhat
corny, but that, i think, comes from the director. He's korean, and a lot
of the stuff that comes out of that part of Asia usually has an element
of corn to it.

Looking past that slight cultural disconnect as you mentioned the action
was pretty good. And honestly, what else do you want from an action flick
released in January?

"You have offended my family, and you have offended the Shaolin Temple..."


Punisher: War Zone was a bad movie. As was this one.
