Trading Up

First of all...where's Edd? I have looked everywhere and cannot find an answer. Second...I'm watching Trading Up as I am typing and is it just me or is Mike just flipping vehicles he and Edd already did before (thus far a Triumph Spitfire and a LR Defender).


As far as Edd goes, the best I saw anyone get out of Mike on twitter was that he's "busy." I guess Edd has his own projects he's working on atm.

As far as flipping vehicles, I think Mike's going where the easy money is/should be. Hopefully his years of buying/selling cars has taught him what cars he can turn around easily for a decent profit. So, there's a good chance we'll see some familiar rides.

If you missed the first episode, he was in India and went through a few "new to the viewer" cars.

The only thing that bugged me was the constant converting from pounds and rupees into US dollars. I'm an American who watches the show for the exposure to a little English culture. Every time Mike said "that's xxxx American dollars" it just ruined the mood. By the end I was completely sick of it. The only episode I ever bothered converting was the Dodge Charger one where Mike threw in a tank of petrol. I was just curious what a tank of gas cost in England. That leaves a whole bunch of episodes where I could care less about any costs. I think if he wants to make the prices more understandable, do it at the end like he used to list the costs of fixing up the vehicle in previous seasons. Take a lesson from Top Gear UK. It is a huge, world-wide phenomenon, raking in suitcases full of pounds, and yet they don't bother with converting much of anything.



You would think at this point someone would have come out with the truth...or at least a made up explantion (especially with all the tabloids in the UK)

I had read all the reviews about Mike converting and I did not think at first that it was going to bother me but I have to admit by the 3rd or 4th time he did it I was annoyed. There really is no point. It makes no difference what currency is being used numbers are numbers. I for one could not flip a coin well enough let alone a vehicle so I am not watching the show for advice lol.

I did find it interesting to see Mike doing some of the actual repair work himself for a change. I honestly did not think he had a clue how to fix anything.

Hopefully whatever "busy" schedule Edd is going through will clear up and the real show will return.


I have not seen this episode, but I admit watching all the past episodes in pounds it does leave me a bit scratching my head now and then, but can usually do a quick conversion at the overall figures. Also things seem way cheap over there more often than not, although that purple hot rod I was actually a bit surprised they got a pretty penny for.

I honestly don't think you can buy even a well used M5 needing a few repairs for the equivalent of 6000 pounds in the US, even if you're a fantastic negotiator. Unless you got lucky with a good deal wholesale (at auction). They didn't really ever mention the exact mileage that was on it though, I'm sure it had it's share.


Without Edd it should be called Trading Down. Diagnosing and repairing the cars was a big reason I tuned in. Plus the tone of the show feels different now. The easy going fun vibe and challenge of fixing the cars has been replaced with pure profit. Flip it and get on with the next one.

I agree the conversion into dollars becomes annoying. Mike starts to sound like Rain Man with the constant calculations. The Britishness was a real draw for me just like it was with the old Scrapheap Challenge with Robert LLewelyn, another one that was retooled and ruined. If they want it in dollars just flash the amount at the bottom of the screen.

I hope they return to the old format but I'm guessing it's done.


It's interesting that you mention that, Cymboline, as they've really started glossing over the actual "fixing up" in the last couple of series of the actual Wheeler Dealers show. If you go back to the early series you will get each job in great detail whereas in the last few they just show Edd twirling a few spanners in a five second montage and move past all the good tips and details they used to give us.

I also think (and hope) that Trading Up is supposed to be a parallel thing rather than a replacement.

Hitler was a dog person.


I think the "glossing over" you are referring to is actually a weak attempt at getting more money out of old footage by creating "Top 5 ...." and editing previous forty-four (or so) minute episodes into eight minute segments. After the second one, I stopped watching until "Trading Up" started. I'm guessing that if they shoot new episodes (fingers crossed) with Edd and Mike, they'll be as they used to be.


The Top 5 shows are definitely quick reviews of previous projects, but the newer full-length shows gloss over a lot even though they've got the full hour or so.

I suspect that's the result of more complex cars that take a *lot* longer to fix - there's a big difference between a BMW or Aston Martin and a Ford or or the Frogeye Sprite.


Last I saw on twitter Mike is "down under" for the next "Trading Up" series. Another long boat ride for another "classic?"


Would be good if he came to Australia.


There must be a bunch of Australian-built cars that would fetch good money in the UK, or anyplace there are Mad Max fans.


Well I know they make Ford and GM (Holden is the brand name) vehicles there, though GM is planning to pull out of Australia. I'm not sure about other manufacturers. "Utes" are very, very popular (something along the lines of a Ranchero or El Camino). I'd like to see something iconic, not an American design with a Aussie badge.

Oh, I'd recommend anyone check out the Wheeler Dealer twitter feed. There are some hilarious photos posted.
