Alternative End

when john from earth 1 travels to earth 2 there will be two john on earth 2
that makes no sense
so before the final scene they should show a scene in earth 2 show the same accident but instead john died
rhoda doesn't won the contest on both earths because this doesn't make sense too as the synchronicity is off
but when john from earth 1 travel to earth 2 he makes rhoda from earth 2 travel to earth 1 so they meet each other as he knew from the car talk scene that she would love to do
then the final scene show them meeting each other


The reason why John shouldn't in theory exist on Earth2/E2,is Earth1 believe(as well as Rhoda thinks the theory is possible)&why she gives him her ticket being Both @the timing w/the accident)spotting E2 from E1 that night,the timing of Both Earths being"synced",had maybe/somehow stoped @that timing.Likely E2s John hadnt survived the crash,or itd never happened,maybe in some way hc died,yet on E1 his family dies.Rhoda hopes in some way its possible,that E2 John did die,yet has the chance to hopfuly be re-united w/his family when he arrives to Earth2.
On Earth2,Im assuming that theyd done the same thing of traveling to E1 also,&Rhoda won,kept,&used her ticket to go to E1,where she meets herself.I agree in wishing,&would've liked to see the outcome for John on E2,it would answer a lot if he reunited w/his family,along w/explaining how the scenario somehow worked out to where he was dead on E2,or not....
{Also:If you enjoyed the actress who played Rhoda,Brit Marling.She'd done a rather good film called"The East"(w/Alexander Skarsgard,&Ellen Page)that I recommend watching!}
