MovieChat Forums > Scream of the Banshee (2011) Discussion > Fell apart --hard-- at the end

Fell apart --hard-- at the end

This movie is the perfect example of a film that falls apart in the last act. I'm glad they kept the CGI to a minimum (for the Sci-Fi channel, at least) but as soon as the characters go to Duncan's house it's a free-fall into WTF-ville. Too bad, since it was a decent movie leading up to that.


This movie is the perfect example of a film that falls apart in the last act. I'm glad they kept the CGI to a minimum (for the Sci-Fi channel, at least) but as soon as the characters go to Duncan's house it's a free-fall into WTF-ville. Too bad, since it was a decent movie leading up to that.

I agree with you. I think that it was a decent movie, except there was a lot of part toward the end that just didn't make since. Like Them jumping out of the car and leaving that girl's boyfriend in the car. The car wasn't going to blow up. Why didn't they call a doctor for him, or at least try to pull the tree branch out. Plus, why all the shooting at Duncan's house?




Agreed. The ending just felt really, really rushed.

And was Lauren Holly's character's name Isla or Moira? The credits listing says it's Isla but she introduces herself to Duncan as 'Moira'.


I can't figure out Lauren Holly's character's name either. Credits do say Isla, but I heard either "Maura" or "Moira" when she introduced herself to Duncan. Since all three sound Irish - I *think* she and her daughter "Shayla" were supposed to be hinted-at descendants of the Prince - I couldn't tell which one was right.

Also, where are the families of the students? We know Janie was going to visit with family that weekend. Call me crazy, but if one of my relatives was suddenly, gruesomely murdered, I'd want to know what was happening! And WHERE did the warehouse come from? Did the Prof turn the box over to some government agency we never saw, or did she really just stick it back in with the rest of the stuff they were cataloguing?!?


I agree too. I was actually loving it for the most part (my only complaint at that point was that there were too many Lance Henriksen webcam bits and no real Lance Henriksen) up until they met the guy who helped them track down Henriksen's character. I thought that guy was a pretty bad actor, and then it started getting a bit draggy, and then things started not making a heck of a lot of sense.

I still liked it overall, but it was a disappointing experience after such a strong beginning.


How does something that isn't put together fall apart?

I wasn't disappointed at all. It was exactly as I expected. With a title like Scream of the Banshee, you get what you get. I was entertained enough. Lol


How does something that isn't put together fall apart?

I wasn't disappointed at all. It was exactly as I expected. With a title like Scream of the Banshee, you get what you get. I was entertained enough. Lol

Is it just me or is the world filled with simple-minded people who are easily entertained?

My sig: why do almost all movies on imdb have a "worst movie ever!" thread?


I agree with the TC that this film did fall apart in the end. The writers should've improved the ending and made it where Lance's character is not as crazy nor homicidal as he was in the conclusion.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger

