MovieChat Forums > Premium Rush (2012) Discussion > Most unsettling end for a bad guy

Most unsettling end for a bad guy

I've seen my share of horror and gory movies. From Japan to Australia and the U.S., but for some reason the way Det. Monday was killed gave me "holy sh!|!" moment when it happened. The bullet ended in his brain but he still had a few seconds left to try and make sense of what just happened and then he died. It wasn't a horrible death, but it was somewhat unexpected and eerie at same time.


I actually agree, for a second I thought somebody shot him with a dart or something, maybe a tranquilizer, then when blood came out of his head and he dies I was like.....''Oh *beep*

It's actually kinda scary even for a Pg-13 movie to have something like that in there.


Also I think it was kind of cruel considering he was a goofy type villain. His reaction and tantrums to thing he couldn't control felt like part of his charisma. I know he was messing with the wrong crowd but


Ya! I agree and i'm glad you mentioned it. His character is pretty heinous but has a comedic tone in certain scene, nothing extremely evil about his just a hapless bad guy. His death was definitely more gory then it needed to be.In fact did he even need to be killed? Why not just arrested? that seems a much more suitable punishment.


He killed one of the asian gang's henchmen while having one of his tantrums when he got his tooth knocked out. He was probably killed in retaliation for that, in addition to punishing him for all the debt.


But for a pg-13 his death was a little unsettling and so what? he can still get arrested for killing somebody, that doesn't necessarily mean he HAS to be killed in retaliation.


But for a pg-13 his death was a little unsettling and so what? he can still get arrested for killing somebody, that doesn't necessarily mean he HAS to be killed in retaliation.

How did you find Bobby Monday's death more unsettling than the earlier death of the henchman?


"How did you find Bobby Monday's death more unsettling than the earlier death of the henchman?"

stupid. The henchman was beating him first and he didn't get shot just beat up, incidental death


He wasn't killed in retaliation, he was killed to stop him from getting the ticket. The main guy Nima got the ticket from said to "call this number, should problems arise" with whatever, she called the number and he had his guy take care of the problem.


It was the other gang henchmen who killed him, the one that gave a yicket to a girl.


He was killed by the Sudoku guy, who was affiliated with the Hawaladar. Guess they're a pretty violent bunch of money transferrers then, hence the guy saying "we deal with our own problems". Monday interfering with the transfer of the ticket basically got him killed, though he would have went either way with owing the blonde loan shark and the Lin guy.


He certainly was not a goofy villains but rather a nasty one.

Its that man again!!


No, Michael Shannon's bad guy performance was very comedic with some laugh out loud moments. His death as well I found comedic. I'm surprised so many found it to be gory. I mean the guy gets shot in the head, but still takes a moment to ask what the hell is going on and that he needs to take a "break" for a minute, then dies. Maybe I'm the only one, but I thought it was a good death for his character.

Delicious must be heaven to the hungry in hell.


Head shots are usually not immediately lethal if the bullet stays in the skull, and sometimes not even then.

I knew a guy who tried committing suicide by sticking a .38 revolver under his chin. The bullet went up between the two halves of his brain and blew out a saucer-sized piece of cranial plate off the top of his skull before painting the ceiling with gore. He survived.


Ouch! Is he still sane, as a result? I heard/ read somewhere, forget where, about a person who tried to commit gun suicide by putting the gun against his temple; the bullet passed through from the right temple to the left. The person survived, but became a "vegetable" as a result.

And here I thought "eating your gun" is the most reliable method of suicide.


Well, he wasn't too sane before he shot himself....


I agree too. Monday's end was a little too harsh for the tone of the movie. It would have been better if he was just jailed.


He beat a guy to death. Just because he came off silly doesn't mean he wasn't a dangerous bad guy. If anything, it makes him more dangerous because you wouldn't take him seriously as a threat until it's too late. That's exactly what happened to Wilee; he didn't think of Bobby as a corrupt cop, so he could have gotten shot at the end.

(Response notification is off.)


wow if that scared you I cannot even imagine what your reactions are to actual action movies.
if that was too much for you you should stick to Disney movies. Oh, no wait, Those movies have deaths on them too.. oh no
I guess you should stick to Pixar movies? the death of the bad guy in this was kind of dumb and silly.

One ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.


The missed it.


there was nothing unsettling about that. Honestly, it is one of the goofiest deaths I've ever seen.
chubby guy gets behind him and shoots him but he has like 2 minutes to move around? COME ON!!! WTF IS THAT?
Then the slow drip coming in the forehead? talk about cliche...
If I didn't know better that looked like a comedic death or something. i could see a death this dumb being in the Hangover or something... Seriously, what was so unsettling about that? The guy did such an awful job at shooting him that he can still walk around? HOW IS THAT REALISTIC?

One ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.


there was nothing unsettling about that. Honestly, it is one of the goofiest deaths I've ever seen.
chubby guy gets behind him and shoots him but he has like 2 minutes to move around? COME ON!!! WTF IS THAT?

so your telling me that if somebody got shot in the head, started walking aimlessly around talking to themselves about what just happened and trying to comprehend that they got shot in the head, before falling down dead in a PG-13 movie isn't unsettling? Just because limbs aren't being severed that doesn't mean something like this isn't unsettling.

I'm looking at this from a more psychological point of unsettling then a physical ''It's disturbing'' POV.

anyway, it's my opinion, you don't have to accept it, i'm not forcing you to.


no, what I am saying is that even Mifasa's Death is harder than that.

Actually any Disney death is harder than that. Urusula's death is pretty horrible.
Scar gets eaten alive. etc.

I know talking about Disney seems stupid, but that's how stupid this death was to me.

We just saw Vanessa hit the pavement, we saw Wilee get hit by a cab.

In Wilee's imagination we saw both a car RUN OVER SOMEONE'S HEAD... and we saw Wilee pretty much killing a baby (All in his imagination of course.

We see Wilee and the other guys escape death from being hit by a car constantly.
(seems interesting that no one talks about Wilee imagining a guy being crushed by a truck or killing a baby)

So don't give me any of this PG 13 talk because seeing the guy go under the truck (in Wilee's imagination) Was way more unsettling.
that's my point, Even this very own movie had more unsettling moments, like people getting hit by cars and trucks.

But even, like I said, we all have seen Disney and cartoon movies with more unsettling endings than this. I am just trying to put things into perspective.

I Understand you guys were shocked by the shot in the back of the head. But for me it was actually comical. it was silly looking. It felt like a joke death to me.

One ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.


Yet again, it's many people's OPINION that it is shocking and disturbing, and



can I give you some advice, as friends.

Stay the HELL away from Django Unchained... (Or Inglorious Basterds) You know what, just stay away from any Tarantino movies.

Those things will probably give you a nervous breakdown. I would hate for you to suffer like that.

(also stay away from Robert Rodriguez movies like Sin City, Machete, Machete kills etc)

I really don't want you to suffer so much because of a movie bro. I care

One ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.


:Facepalm: I give up.....


Just for your information.
I know this case.
A guy was shot in the head in the street, he went up 5 floors and was trying to open his door... for like an hour, because you know... his brain was not working properly :D

It happened in Argentina and the guy was the owner of a nightclub or something.
here is an article, in spanish though

Google translated these paragraphs

Peleó por su vida e incluso un diariero lo confundió con un borracho, forcejeando con la puerta del edificio. Pasó otra hora más hasta que el encargado lo encontró totalmente ensangrentado luchando por abrir esa puerta.

Subió malherido los cinco pisos hasta que llegaron los médicos y la policía. Los peritos forenses confirmaron que el balazo le había anulado su cerebro y que esas últimas acciones fueron solo instintivas.


he fought for his life and even a paperboy mistook him for a drunk, struggling with the door of the building. He spent another hour until the manager found him completely bloodied struggling to open that door.

malherido Badly wounded climbed the five floors until they were doctors and police. forensic experts confirmed that the bullet had canceled her brain and that these latest actions were just instinctual .

I replaced that word in red by the ones in green.


I don't think you get it. This wasn't the kind of movie for his death.

It's like, in a slasher movie you expect random superficial characters to be slaughtered off. In a war drama you can expect the main or supportive characters to have a sudden and unnecessary deaths.

But in this movie, you have the goofy, slightly crazy dirty cop, who has occasional violent outbursts. One minute he's being ridiculed by a mob of bikers, and you'd expect it to end like that, perhaps with him getting up and watching as the protagonist walks out of the shop, before he drives away angrily because he knows there is nothing he can do to help the situation.

Instead the Triads show up and shoot him in the head so subtly, that he himself doesn't realize it at first. There's still hope that maybe they hadn't shot him, that maybe they had let him live, because after all he didn't seem like such a threat anyway. And then you realize... Oh.


I don't know. I guess by going with what you guys are saying, Mufasa had one of the most horrific deaths ever made.

I mean Ursula in Little Mermaid was STABBED on her stomach, that is WAY more horrible than getting shot from behind. (and that's a cartoon)


It seemed out of place in this movie.

Most of it had a light tone, and then THAT.

"Pffft, my suspension of disbelief has higher standards than that"


I agree, I share your OPINION.


Then I think you'll appreciate Tombstone. "I'm your Huckleberry..."


I felt bad for his character. I think he had his problems and he just could only deal with them through gambling. Maybe his wife or his mother or his children were killed and this was why he has become a mean addictive gambler with nothing else to make him happy. And he gets beaten down by bike messenger punks and shot cold in the back of the head. It was excessive and terrible.


I don't remember Doc Holiday ever getting beaten down by bike messenger punks, but I didn't pay too much attention in history class.


Wait until you see Sam Rockwell's death in Seven Psychopaths XD


Tthe cop was one of the more sympathetic characters in a movie with nobody truly likable. They should've made him worse to justify his fate... probably in a more realistic fashion than NYPD getting gunned down in chinatown. That'll be real good for triad business LOL.


Yup. Just didn't fit the tone of the movie, similar to when he killed the mob guy early on. Actually would've made more sense to make him a clean cop just trying to stop them, and ultimately comes up short.


Yeah, I agree. It was an erie (sp) and gory ending for this bad guy.


That's not all. They didn't show it, but he stopped at Starbucks for coffee too. He drove all the way home and hopped into bed, and that's when he fully realized that a bullet blew his brains out.

Most ridiculous death in the history of film if you ask me and I have seen a lot of farcical Hollywood and non-Hollywood deaths.
