5th Anniversary

This movie opened in theaters on Friday, June 10, 2011, and I know I'm a week and a day late, but I'd like to acknowledge that now. I was actually at the library using the internet on the actual anniversary and I should've made this posting then, but for some reason it just completely slipped my mind. But that was somewhat suprising, since I had been aware this anniversary was coming up for some time and had planned to start a thread about it.

I saw this movie in theaters a few times in June, 2011 when it first came out and liked it alot, and then in June of 2013, 2014, and 2015 rented it out from Netflix and watched it several times. It got on my favorite movies of all time list, and then in the summer of 2015 decided to buy it from amazon. I have since watched it once so far this June, and plan to watch it a few more times before the month is up. But it is the most seasonaly specific movie on my list-that is, I can only seem to watch it in early/mid June. If I watch it any other time of the year it just doesn't seem as good or effective for me. I think that is because it deals with elementary school and begins in early June right when school lets out and their summer break begins. And June has been my favorite month of the year ever since the mid seventies when I was in early elementary school and every early June our school years ended and we began our summer break. And that has just always continued for me ever since, though I have not been in school and actually experienced this since the 1980s. But as I said I do really like to watch it in June and plan to some more this June.

"I happen to be a vegetarian". Lex, from Jurrasic Park
