Was the french policeman's suicide by hanging really a suicide? Hugo Sartet shows up at the hotel room where the french policeman has been released for a one day off for christmas holiday. I thought it was insinuated that he may have had some "input" to the apparent suicide. Any insights.... ?


In my mind it was pretty clear that Hugo (the safe-cracker) definitely played a hand in his suicide. Either he did it, or forced the bad cop to hang himself. We know he had it in him because earlier he put three slugs in Marconi. Also, he was pissed about being set-up as the fall guy for Meyer's murder which set off this whole series of events...


I don't think there is much question that Sartet was responsible for Meyer's death in the hotel room. It was his revenge for his brother being tortured to death by the dirty cops.


Sartet I'm sure helped Meyer on his journey, ensuing the noose was a snug fit around his neck.
