Back-Shelved At All?

I remember seeing previews for this movie a LONG, long time ago and after seeing GoT this past weekend I began to wonder if somehow it got a limited release and got panned and was never in my market. Now it seems the film just STILL has not come out yet.

I've come to a few conclusions.

- This film probably got panned critically for its tongue-in-cheek geek-ness aspect and studio executives and investors feared it's so geek leaning that it won't be popular among women and especially the key demographics of teens and young adults. Plus, I don't think it ever had a big budget to start with and maybe that 'demon' wasn't so impressive (even Peter Jackson panned the first Shelob and did extensive re-modeling and re-shooting of that scene). But I'm guessing the film was getting unsavory comments and as rumored, a mid-spring (i.e. this time), pre Memorial Day/summer tent-pole season limited release and a fast-track to summer DVD.

- After a rather pleasant critical reception for Arthur (but no the ratings) and then GoT's strong first season (and Dinklage's Emmy and ensuing popularity), the studio changed it's mind. Now not only is fantasy cool, but the film now has a known star featuring in a role directly related to directly to his next role.

- Instead I wouldn't be surprised to see some work done on editting and the film will get a late summer/post tent-pole season release like late Summer, maybe kind of bury it in the late august new school-year rush.

Aristophanes once wrote, roughly translated...


Its a packed Summer. They're probably just waiting for a space in the release schedules so they're not competing with major studio tentpoles.

I'd expect it in September, after the main blockbusters are over with, before the Hobbit in Nov.


I'm curious if the studio was worried about people comparing it to the 2011 comedy YOUR HIGHNESS. That movie bombed. They might have decided to wait until after THE HOBBIT comes out this Christmas. Hopefully that film generates some good will towards fantasy and KNIGHTS gets an early 2013 release..

Usually a long delay is a sign that the movie is bad but every now and then there are exceptions.


From what I can surmise (after heavy research into IndieVest, the company that made it), they're severely short on funds (after their first film St. John of Las Vegas didn't do so well) and having trouble figuring out how to market and release this movie.

From everything I've heard about the movie (especially people that saw footage at Comic Con) the movie is great, and would most likely do well in theaters, if only IndieVest could get it there. They've been claiming it will be in theaters since late 2011, but it has nothing to do with the quality of the movie, that much I'm sure of.


I think the problem with Your Highness was the perception that it was a fantasy parody, when it was really a D&D parody. Anyone I know who has played a pen and paper game found it hilarious and really good.


The problem with Your Highness was it was crap.


I play D&D and Your Highness had nothing to do with it. It was stoner crap disguised as a Fantasy parody. After the first ten minutes it was terrible, barely watchable crap.


very astute assessment.


Might be plausible though it was filmed not far from where i live, by a company that is here North by Northwest Entertainment for IndieVest Pictures " budget problems and an internal dispute between director Joe Lynch and the California production company that owned the movie blocked the film’s initial release."

it has since been sold to eOne Entertainment...


If it's done they should just release it. If it's good, it makes money. If not, then they jsut have to learn to make better movies.


And I'm sure that's how it works in whatever fantasy lala land you reside in.

In reality, however, movies need money for promotion or they tank. No one sees a movie if they don't know it exists and word of mouth only gets you so far.


