Very, very bad movie.

I totally get why it took so long to get this released. It felt like someone really had to work on what was there to get a somewhat coherent story out of it, but it still came out weak. I'm not gonna rip on the monster on the end because I get what they where going with that and I respect the effort. Yup. I wanted to love it. Atleast like it. I mean come one! You got Steve Zahn, Danny Pudi, Summer Glau and Peter Dinklage, each and everyone of them I've kinda geeked out on on one occasion or another. And I like Joe Lynch too, Holliston is awesome!


It took forever to be released because the director was fighting with the producers. It had a lot more potential but was ruined by everyone bit being on same page. With that being said, still had fun watching it but knew it could have been a lot better.

