Just as witty as the movie(s) was!!

I haven't been engaged in a cartoon on TV of all places since The Boondocks. I'm actually tuning IN for this awesomeness! And the theme song is catchy, a lot of cartoons have been missing THAT for a while now. I hope this doesn't get cancelled, I just got in to this show, and I'm amused. Like, seriously.

He tried to stage dive and hit his head on the edge of the bed! Damn!!


It really is! I love it. Every episode is like watching a mini movie with the characters.

´¨¨)) -:¦:-
¸.·´ .·´¨¨))
((¸¸.·´ ..·´ Jewel-:¦:-
-:¦:- ((¸¸.·´*


I'm not nearly as into this as My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, but I am finding it well worth keeping up with. I do fear that they may run out of "powerful-warrior-who-went-bad-and-wants-to-take-over"-type plot lines (Taotie, while a cool and likable character, is already similar to Shen in that he wants to replace Kung Fu with his own invented weaponry), but hopefully the lives of Po, the Furious Five, Shifu, Mr. Ping, the newly introduced characters, etc., are filled with enough other engaging events to keep the show going for a while, even if the action side gets a little bit played out and needs a break. All in all, the show really does feel like a true extension of the films, which is impressive and great!

It is great how each episode is a sort of mini-movie which develops the characters further; I'm most particularly interested in Shifu, Viper, and Crane (hope to see more focus on the latter two.) At least Monkey is getting a bit more attention, too (he needed it.) And Mantis. :3 I daresay the animation even seems to be improving greatly (perhaps they were just testing it out at first, to see how the show would do?) And the writing IS indeed remaining consistently strong.

And yes, I've caught myself singing or humming the theme song. In fact, it's been stuck in my head ALL DAY today. >_>; My favorite line, ironically, is "Protect the valley, somethin', somethin', somethin', alive!" "Fights with the Furious Five" cleverly has multiple interpretations, possibly even unintentional. And of course, "master the skills of bodacious and awesome..." What genius is responsible for writing this tune?! xD

I like you, Um. I like largeness...


Why do people like My Little Pony: FIM so much? The episode plots are mediocre at best, I always find myself disappointed due to their weak humor and preachy lessons (and believe me, I saw all the episodes, hoping that it may redeem itself).

Legends of Awesomeness is 'awesome' and as episodes go by it gets better and better.


Ah...well, volumes have been written over the past year explaining why so many thousands of us have become enamored and swept up in the pony madness. I myself have raved and rambled on for pages and pages on the subject, even reviewing the show for my Media Journalism class at college; I truly find it to be a prime example of what a TV show ought to be, something that's easy to adore and get absorbed in regardless of age or sex. It won't be *everyone*'s cup of tea, because nothing is--but once enough people gave it a chance, I think it really was only a matter of time before it became popular, even among the more discriminating of viewers.

Basically, it boils down to a few main points:

*A strong cast of interesting, varied, relatable, well-developed, individualized characters that grow and evolve and interact believably, feel real, and are well worth exploring. There's much more to each one than what you initially see on the surface, and they keep on evolving and growing (and surprising us) as we see more and learn more about them.
In fact, they're so compelling that fans older than the originally targeted age group can easily imagine them in more extreme or mature situations than what can be safely portrayed on the show. However, the show alone is shockingly epic and pushes boundaries for kids' TV; many things can be interpreted differently by adults than by children. It's one of those many "kid's shows," such as Arthur, that can be enjoyed and taken seriously just as much, if not more, by adults! (I mean, do you know ANYone that dislikes Arthur?!)

*Positive messages and fun, pleasant, enjoyable plots that help remind people of what should be most important in their lives, without being overly girly and saccharine (like some prior incarnations of "My Little Pony")

*Enough classic cartoon references and elements, intelligent dialog, clever plot twists and surprises, timeless all-age-appropriate humor, "edge," etc., to entertain adults

*Good balance between action and adventure plots ("Magical Girl"-like), and character-centric ones, which allows you to enjoy the former while deeply caring about the characters...and that makes it much more addicting and memorable than the average series.

*Stunning animation, exceptional music (composer Daniel Ingram consistently gives me even better than what I'd dare hope for), brilliant voice acting and singing, superior attention to detail and to the fanbase--generally very HIGH production values; it's clear that the makers truly love the show themselves, have a blast creating it, and get a kick out of their great relationship with the legions of fans.

Of course, the whole "brony" experience just adds to the awesomeness of the show, and for as many fandoms as I count myself a member, I've never seen one so large and yet so cohesive, friendly, welcoming, creative, and talented. You're liable to spot a pony avatar just about anywhere you turn, and a simple "brohoof" lets you know you've found a kindred spirit. ;)

Anyway, back on KFP...I too have my DVR set to record the series. I don't expect it to be exactly like the movies, or to like it as much as I like the movies...but surprisingly, it does come much closer than I'd have expected based on the typical results of "cartoonizing" films. This series is still compelling me to watch more, and I find myself laughing quite a bit. (Po and Shifu have probably been the two most amusing ones so far, but the puppet-trying-to-cheer-Tigress-up bit had me in stitches. That might be my single funniest scene.)

I regard old Disney series such as Darkwing Duck, Goof Troop, Ducktales, Rescue Rangers, Bonkers, and Talespin as excellent examples of TV shows as well. Others that were spun off of movies, such as The Little Mermaid, 101 Dalmatians, Aladdin, Tarzan, Timon & Pumbaa, or Lilo & Stitch were each a mixed bag, with numerous good episodes, characters, and songs, but pretty poor overall. Lilo & Stitch is one of my least favorite Disney films, anyway, although I give it a 7/10. The rest of the mentioned movies are 10s in my book.

The voices in Legends of Awesomeness are terrific and truly sound like the originals. (How ironic that Fred Tatasciore, with his wonderful Dustin Hoffman impression, is now a tiny good guy!) The fact that they were actually able to get Lucy Liu for Viper rocks, although I hope we get to see more of her soon; she's one of my favorites, despite always having been a little neglected in comparison with some of the other "main" characters. I wonder what happened with her in Secrets of the Masters, though; guess she was among the available ones when they were recording.

It's too bad that Shen can't make a reappearance. :( He rocketed to the top of my "Favorite KFP Characters" list almost as soon as he showed up, joining Shifu, Crane, and Viper (the latter two of whom I ship, btw!) Gary Oldman was perfect, and I truly felt bad for the peacock...I definitely did not want him to die.


MLP:FiM has amazing characters, animation, voice-acting .. plot varies (Discord episodes were amazing), but it's primarily character-driven

I do LOVE Legends of Awesomeness though

in fact, gonna watch ep17 right now


I know different people have different opinions, but in my opinion, Darkwing Duck was a pretty poor show (especially the latter episodes), which was all I expected from Disney those years concidering how many series they spewed out at the time. (Duck Tales, Rescue Rangers, Tale Spin, Goof Troop, Bonkers, Darkwing Duck, etc.) One of them had to take the fall, and in my opinion, it was Darkwing Duck. And it didn't stop; Lilo and Stich (which got its own spin-off series as well!) and Tarzan, anyone? (OK, Tarzan was good, but I'm using it as an example of Disney's mass production of spin-off series.)

But I agree that Legends of Awesomeness is a really great series. Mick Wingert and Max Koch are brilliant in their respective roles, and Fred Tatasciore (one of my favorite VO-actors) is superb in his role as Shifu. (A bit surprised he's Shifu though, this is after all the same man who voices Hulk, Bane, Juggernaut and Ben Grimm, among other big, bulky guys.)

Also, they have Lucy Liu reprising her role as Viper! How awesome is THAT? (But oddly enough, she's not doing Viper in Secrets of the Masters, though Po, Tigress and Shifu will be done by Jack Black, Angelina Jolie and Dustin Hoffman.)

So far, I have enjoyed the introductions of the new bad guys (Temotai and Fung being my favorites so far), but I was hoping that Po would have an adversary who was just bad and nasty, without so much comedy interuption. (Almost Lord Shen. He was a geniously made character. And having Gary Oldman voicing him was even more brilliant.)

As a TiPo-shipper (thanks to KFP2, that is), I also look forward to see how Po and Tigress' friendship grows from KFP1 to KFP2, as the series' timeline is situated between the films. :)

I can hear strange voices inside my head. And they don't like you!...


Stopped reading after "Darkwing Duck was a pretty poor show."

