5.8? 112 votes?

This is a good documentary, and I'm dismayed to see that it gets such a low score, and from such a low number of voters.

This doc is put together as well as For The Bible Tells Me So, and I think does a better job of presenting its whole subject area, but it's ignored.

One reviewer here said there weren't any bears in it. Perhaps if that person actually watched the film, instead of fast-forwarding it, the bears would have been noticed. The bears I've actually met are not hung up on who is or isn't a bear, or what measurements qualify someone to be a bear. They just want to be part of a fun community.


Very true. I had read the reviews on this site before I watched this film, so I set my sights low. I was pleasantly surprised with the even-handed portrayal of bears and their admirers, though I think this film falls apart in the second half when it becomes more of a travelogue than a character study. It also seems to be more of an outsider's perspective with a few too many "coming out" stories for my tastes. And really: What's with Kevin Smith promoting his store (and himself)?

As for the lack of bears, I have no idea where the reviewer got that. It appears he didn't bother to see the whole film, but bears are in almost every scene here. There are probably two or three interviewees who might not fit the profile, but they clearly have something to say about the movement, whether they are part of it or the antithesis.

Anyway, I just gave this 7/10 stars, so now this film has 114 votes and possibly a higher score.
