MovieChat Forums > Are We There Yet? (2010) Discussion > Racist Comments in at least one episode ...

Racist Comments in at least one episode - rat in house

I just watched an episode of the show for the first time this morning - the lost rat in the house and the mother becoming angry with her friend for taking her daughter to the mall and allowing an unknown man (unknown to the family) buy the daughter three very expensive gifts.

I liked that mom was discouraging her daughter from receiving gifts from a, for lack of a better work, sugar daddy. However, when mom asked dad his opinion, he assured their daughter was not going to grow up to be like Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, or Britney Spears…”you know, like white women.” I could not believe what I heard.

Later in the show during a later conversation between mom and her best friend, after they made up, mom said she would not need to worry about her daughter; “she won’t grow up to be like be like Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, or Britney Spears…”you know, like white women.”

I wasn't convinced I had heard such a blatant racist statement when dad first said it; I told myself I must have misheard. But when mom repeated the comment verbatim, I was clear. Won't watch this show again....


[deleted] is racism. Look up "fun" and compare it to "racism" in the dictionary. And please fo not tell me what I can watch on TV. I would never be so presumptuous as to tell you what to do. It amazes me that so many of our forefathers of many races and colors fought so hard to establish freedom and a playing field whereupon we could love, cherish, and embrace each other only to have it be demoralized and degraded by Americans who have become entitled, rude, and arrogant...



It was a joke, dear. Apparently you're not used to hearing jokes from a black point of view, or you would have understood it---the character was referring to the fact that these particular white women are allowed to get away with doing a lot of things most black people would NEVER be allowed to get away with (or even some white folks,for that matter.) Get over yourself,please


Activista, let's pretend a show of an average american white family said this, how would you feel?

"Let's face it, our daughter isn't going to be like Beyonce, Rihanna, Nicki Minaj - you know, like a black woman."

Like it or not, it's racist. I have no problem with the show saying it as long as everyone else can say it too, but unfortunately the second they did the entire network would be shut down.



That line was NOT racism, it was stereotyping, prejudice and possibly bigotry but not racism.

but what you described IS part of the definition of racism...

so you are going to tell me stereotypes in movies are not racist? are you hearing yourself?


yeah really and FYI i'm white.I
happen to love this show watching reruns on TBS

She's a real carpenter's dream "Flat as a board and needs a screw"


It is truly interesting where were draw the line with racism. In your post you say "only to have it be demoralized and degraded by Americans who have become entitled, rude, and arrogant". This in fact is pretty racist. Lets play a little game...replace the word "Americans" with any other nationality...Sound racist now?
Racism is born from hatred...To me, what was said in this episode was not really racism (or hatred) as much as a humorous quip..a sarcastic bit of levity. On the other hand, taking a HUGE poke at a nation as a whole...tsk tsk tsk.
Stop TRYING to find hatred because you will always perceive it as long as you believe...Moral police are rarely good judges.


I caught a few minutes of an episode where the wife was angry the husband had been attracted to a WHITE tennis player. She made a big deal out of the woman's race and drove the point home as he carried her upstairs once they had made up. I was like are you serious? I can't believe the CW is airing that kind of dialogue.



Wait wait wait... So you're saying that your surprised a comedy with a predominantly black cast make a white joke? Or a black comedian who stared in a MOVIE CALLED WHITE CHICKS made the joke? Get the feck outta here!

I'm a half white woman and I was no where near offended. Are those 3 girls the absolute worst example of American white women? You freaking bet!!! That was the point! Get over it! Smdh


Can't say it offended me, but I'm not surprised that some people did get offended.. you didn't get why they got mad, here it is:

"Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, or Britney Spears…you know, like white women", she's naming 3 white girls, who doesn't have the best reputation and then with the "like white women", she's saying that white women are like Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, or Britney Spears.

I don't think it's that bad a comment, but I do find it strange that they made it..

"So you're saying that your surprised a comedy with a predominantly black cast make a white joke? Or a black comedian who stared in a MOVIE CALLED WHITE CHICKS made the joke? Get the feck outta here!"

You make it sound like it would be strange, if a comedy with a predominantly black cast didn't make a white joke... where is the peace, love and harmony ;)




Also, during the episode about the counting to 1 million contest online, Nick & Suzanne each had a "white people" line. I too thought it wouldn't have went over well if it had been reversed to Caucasians saying "black people" in reference to something they themselves wouldn't do. During that episode Martin pointed out that Nick & Lindsey were also taking part in the contest and that he then called them white.

During one episode, maybe the identity theft one, the kids were complaining to Marilyn about needing her to watch them while their mother was out of town. Marilyn said it was because there are alot of movies about what happens when kids are left alone for long periods of time, Kevin said that those were white kids, she then named some involving black kids, and ended with "don't be prejudice".

It's though a funny show and not prejudice in general. I don't expect it to be perfect so I will continue to watch.


The ONLY way that line could be considered anything OTHER than racism, would be if the characters saying the lines were understood by the audience to be stereotypical racists. Archie Bunker said things that were insensitive or blatantly racist like that, but it was funny because he was understood to be a racist *beep* People laughed at his ignorance and stupidity, not at the racist comment. Carrol O'Connor, the man who played the role, would never have agreed to play that character unless it was clear his character was NOT being taken seriously.

Not having seen the show, produced as it was by a racist, woman-hating, failure of a man like Ice Cube, a punk-ass bitch whose only reason for material gain is his willingness to exploit the worst parts of his audience's nature, I wouldn't know what the characters are supposed to be like. I would guess they're presented as happy, well-adjusted, middle-class black folks who are "just like you and me".

Well, it may be the case that in a modern black family, anti-white racist comments like that are just considered jokes, but they shouldn't have any place in a sitcom with children in it, unless, as I said, the characters saying things like that are being presented as racist clowns, like Archie Bunker.

Don't think that you're clever to down-play the possibility of people being genuinely hurt by anti-white comments in a predominantly black show. Plenty of white people have children by black people, and those children deserve better than to be told by people of either ethnicity that the other is one you wouldn't want to be like.

Love is like breathing. You have to take some in and let it out to live.



...which means that at least one person is not going to like something. I don't really perceive the comment as racist. Say what you want about Ice Cube, but I am sure he is not writing the scripts.
