Distressing as a foster parent

As a foster parent I am very distressed by this movie! Why does "Hollywood" portray foster homes in this way? Watching this movie with my foster son was actually painful! Two thumbs way down!


Because there always needs to be an evil oppressor in these movies that people either rebel against or the learn the true meaning of christmas.


My foster son looked at me and asked if a foster mother COULD actually lock the kids in the basement, leave them without supervision, "home school" them but not have them do any school work OR deny them access to the Social Worker. All of those things are against the law, so NO, a foster mother could NOT actually do that....


Yeah well obviously you can't legally, and hopefully morally do that. It's just a movie though, you got a stuffed dog that comes to life, a santa that looks like he's been on a 3 week bender and everyone breaks into song every 3 minutes. It's not a documentary movie, its just a 3rd rate movie you put on as background noise.


Yup - but when you have a foster son who "gets" that the stuffed dog coming to life isn't real and that we don't all break into horrible copies of songs from Annie...but who doesn't "get" that the portrayal of the human being characters isn't real...then you have a distressed foster parent.
