How to fix the Oscars

Make it a 2-hour show.

Shorten or eliminate the opening monologue.

Only televise the major awards. No one cares about sound, editing, costumes, score, etc. People tune in to see who wins best picture, best actor/actress/supporting/director, etc.

Keep the in memorium portion--people seem to like it.


I disagree about cutting the technical awards. The fact that they show as many as they do is really respectable of them since it'd be so easy to just not acknowledge the behind-the-scenes people who are as important as, if not more important than, actors themselves when it comes to filmmaking.

But they should definitely spend less time gloating in their awesomeness & spend more time reminding people at home why we should even care. One of the technical award winners' speeches did a better job of that than the producers of the Oscars have in a while


get rid of the hosts. When the show starts, maybe have the head of the Academy Awards or something do some intro, then do one award after another without stopping, halfway through do the In Memoriam segment, then the rest. Then bam you're done


Let a real Movie Afficianado direct the show instead of some dlist tv director.
Eliminate the 'Dance' sequences and the lame presenter's 'Banter'.
Return the Honorary Oscar presentation to the MAIN ceremony where it can get it's due respect.
Take better care in assembling a more inclusive and respectful In Memorium.
Have a balance of new and Old Hollywood instead of pandering to the young.

