actually pretty creepy

I'm normally not a big fan of these really low budget things, and the first scene was like "Oh great another random slasher film. Lame!" but I've seen like every other movie on Netflix so we continued to watch it. It's not the greatest movie, but it was actually pretty good. The clowns are very creepy and the whole concept is different. It's not like one big dreamscape either-not like Donny Darko or something. It's really sort of sad at points too. Anyway, it's worth a watch on Netflix at least. and it has better acting than a lot of those really cheap films do.


Yeah. It deserved more than 3/10. The big unanswered question though was were the clowns real demons or just figments of Rachael's imagination and suppressed evil urges?


the big unanswered question though was were the clowns real demons or just figments of Rachael's imagination and suppressed evil urges?

It was my impression that the clowns were figments of her imagination. The film's description on the Netflix envelope said they were figments of her schizophrenia.
I think it would have been scary no matter what though.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


Not worth Netflixing it at all. I did and I regret the decision. The clowns are indeed creepy but the actors who play them are awful. I had to have the subtitles on just to figure out what the creepy guy doll was saying. In fact they were the scariest thing about the whole movie.


The clowns were very creepy. I thought they both acted well, and the makeup was superb.
I didn't really get how the *poetry* they spoke related to the film, but then they are supposed to be a schizophrenic's hallucination.
EDIT: On a second watch, I understood what most of the poetry related to! This film, while flawed, actually is much better and much more understandable on a second watch. Just like 'The Blair Witch Project".

I wouldn't have minded the film having the clowns more, and less of those oddly lengthy scenes of dancing clowns.

EDIT- On my third watch (I bought the DVD), I understand how most of the poetry of the clowns fits into the film! It seems odd that I didn't get it before.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."
